2021 Spring Testing FAQ

K-12 Assessments

State - General Information

1. The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has extended the spring 2021 state testing calendar in the recent Emergency Order No. 20-316. Has OCPS extended their spring state testing window or made changes to their spring 2021 Test Calendar?

The OCPS 2020-21 Testing Calendar remains unchanged. The testing calendar was designed to maximize days available for schools to complete testing and allows for flexibility within the makeup window to safely schedule LaunchED@Home and OCVS students. Schools may contact the Test Development and Measurement department if they need additional assistance with scheduling assessments.  

2. Is there a waiver for state assessments?

As a district, we are required to offer opportunities for all students to participate in state assessments. According to Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes, “participation in the assessment program is mandatory for all school districts and all students attending public schools, including adult students seeking a standard high school diploma under s. 1003.4282 and students in Department of Juvenile Justice education programs, except as otherwise provided by law. If a student does not participate in the assessment program, the school district must notify the student’s parent and provide the parent with information regarding the implications of such nonparticipation”. If/when the Florida Department of Education provides information regarding potential waivers of state testing requirements, the District will provide updated information.  

3. What plan did OCPS select for spring state testing?

Data from survey results were presented and staff reviewed information regarding logistics (e.g., staff capacity, technology support, accommodations for students with extended time, Section 504 plans and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), etc.) for administering state assessments. The options considered included the possibility of Saturday testing for middle and high schools and the proposal for Testing-Only Days for high schools.

Executive Policy Group (EPG) reviewed the information and decided not to move forward with the proposed options of Saturday testing and Testing Only Days based on the data. All schools will administer state assessments on week-days during the window while proceeding with testing in accordance with the OCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures Manual. All face-to-face students will attend school for testing, and LaunchED@Home and OCVS students will be invited to report to school sites for testing days.  

4. When will the state release scores from the assessments administered this spring?

According to information included in the most recent Department of Education Emergency Order No. 20-316, the results of the Grade 3 ELA assessment will be made available no later than June 30, and the results of the remaining assessments will be made available no later than July 31.  

5. What are the health and safety guidelines schools must follow during test administrations?

Schools should follow the guidelines in the OCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures Manual.

6. Can schools create outside testing locations for students to take state assessments in open spaces outside of the building?

OCPS does not permit outdoor testing.

7. What happens if a class, grade-level, or school must pivot to LaunchED@Home remote learning due to FDOH requirements related to positive reporting of COVID-19 cases?

The school should immediately contact the OCPS Test Development and Measurement department to provide assistance.

8. What happens if a student has missed the testing deadlines to meet Bright Futures requirements?

FDOE Order 2021-E0-02 states that students graduating in the 2021-2021 academic year will have until December 1, 2021 to submit qualifying test scores to Bright Futures. Sections of the SAT or ACT from different test dates may continue to be used to meet test criteria.

State - LaunchED@Home

1. Are all students, Face-to-Face and LaunchED@Home, required to take state assessments on the same day?

This is a school decision. The LaunchED@Home students can either be tested on the same days as the Face-to-Face students or they can be brought in on a makeup day.

2. Do schools need to keep face-to-face students and LaunchED@Home students separated when testing?

All schools will administer state assessments on weekdays during the window while proceeding with testing in accordance with the OCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures Manual. School leaders will review the capacity of their school building/facility and staff availability when scheduling students.

3. Will the state consider offering the administration of state assessments at home with an online proctor?

The FDOE stated that all state tests (e.g., FSA, FSAA, EOCs, and ACCESS for ELLs) must be done at the brick and mortar sites.

4. Will LaunchED@Home magnet students test at their zoned school or their magnet school?

Magnet LaunchED@Home students will be tested at their enrolled magnet school.


5. Will transportation be provided to LaunchED@Home students that are scheduled to come to school for testing?

Details surrounding transportation of LaunchED@Home students are being determined and will be communicated to schools when such details are finalized.


1. Will schools be required to test OCVS and FLVS students at their zoned school?

Schools are required to test OCVS and FLVS students. These virtual students will take the assessments at their zoned school.

2. Will OCVS students be provided transportation to their zoned school for testing?

Following past practice, OCVS students will not be provided transportation for testing.

3. Will FLVS students be permitted to test at OCPS school locations?

FLVS students will test at their zoned school. Schools are being provided with rosters of FLVS students who will need to be accommodated at their zoned school.  

4. What if students need their device to be updated or need technical support?

Families and students should contact their school to arrange technical support.


1. Will CFEs be administered this year?

The Common Final Exams (CFEs) will be administered as posted on the OCPS 2020-21 Testing Calendar. The CFEs will be administered online. LaunchED@Home students can test from home. Camera sharing is mandatory on CFEs. The CFEs replace a teacher-created final exam and are worth 20 percent of students’ grade for their corresponding course. The CFE will only be used when the CFE improves the student’s final grade in the course.

National - AP, IB, AICE

1. What do Advanced Placement (AP) exams look like this school year (2020-2021)?

Please refer to the AP 2020-2021 Updates webpage for AP Exam information.

2. What do OCPS International Baccalaureate (IB) exams look like this school year (2020-2021)?

OCPS IB High Schools will be utilizing the alternative route. Please review the IB May 2021 Exam Update for more information.

3. What do Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) exams look like this school year (2020-2021)?

Cambridge AICE exams will be face-to-face for June 2021 exam series. For additional information on Cambridge AICE exams please review the Cambridge June 2021 exam series webpage.

National - SAT, ACT, ACT NCR

1. Will there be any changes made to the April 27th Standard Time ACT administration?

No changes will be made in preparation for the Standard Time ACT April 27 administration. This administration will be computer-based and only students in grade 11 are eligible to participate.

2. What is the difference between ACT Standard Time and ACT NCR?

ACT NCR (Non-College Reportable) scores are for state or district assessment purposes only and can be used as concordant or comparative scores to meet graduation requirements. ACT will not report ACT NCR scores earned to colleges, scholarship agencies or other entities. The ACT NCR was offered in OCPS on October 6 and March 9 as paper-based test administrations. On April 27 (makeup day April 29), an ACT Standard Time administration will be offered during the school day through the CARES Act funding. This will be a computer-based administration that is offered at school sites. ACT Standard Time scores can be used as concordant scores to meet graduation requirements and can also be reported to colleges, scholarship agencies or other entities.

3. Have there been any changes to the Spring ACT Non-College Reportable (NCR) administration?

No changes were made for the Spring ACT NCR administration. The Spring ACT NCR administration (paper-based) was held on March 9, 2021. Schools prioritized administering the test to students in grade 12 who had not yet met the Grade 10 ELA and/or Algebra 1 EOC graduation requirement. Some schools permitted select grade 11 students to participate if they met the aforementioned requirements.

4. Have there been any changes to Spring SAT School Day administration?

No changes were made for the Spring SAT School Day administration. The Spring SAT School Day administration (paper-based) was held on March 3, 2021. All students in grade 11 and select students in grade 12 were eligible to participate.

Promotion and Graduation Requirements


1. How will it be determined if my child will be promoted or retained?

FDOE Order 2021-E0-02 states that decisions about whether it is in the best interest of a child to repeat a grade solely for academic reasons must be determined at the local level by the school's principal, after a careful review of the student's academic record, with input from the parents, the student, teachers and school leaders. Only academic performance, or provisions in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP), can be considered when discussing a child repeating a grade.

Grade 3 Promotion

1. If my third grade student does not take the FSA, will he/she be automatically retained?

FDOE Order 2021-E0-02 states a student may be promoted to grade four, regardless of the absence of an English Language Arts (ELA) assessment score or the absence of a Level 2 or higher ELA score, if the district is able to determine that a student is performing at least at Level 2 on the ELA assessment through the good cause exemption process provided in s. 1008.25, Fla.Stat., or other means reasonably calculated to provide reliable evidence of a student's performance.

FSA Results and Implications

1. What are the implications for a student who does not participate in FSA this year?

The FSA that is required by state and federal law is now more critical than ever so that educators and parents can measure progress and identify gaps in learning in this atypical and challenging year. These measurements help to determine what additional services and supports are needed to provide every student with the opportunity to succeed in school and in life beyond school. For these reasons, the District recommends that all students take the FSA examination. However, under FDOE Order 2021-EO-02, if a student does not participate in the FSA this year, there are no negative consequences placed upon the student.

2. How will course placement for students in grades 4-10 be determined if they do not have an FSA score?

Student placement is reassessed each year with consideration from multiple sources of data.

Final Grade Calculations - EOC and CFE

1. What would happen if my child does not have an End of Course (EOC) score?

OCPS has determined to only include an EOC assessment score if the assessment improves the student’s final grade. This would be for all EOCs: Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, US History, and Civics. If a student does not participate in the statewide EOC assessment, under FDOE Order 2021-EO-02, the District is “authorized to determine promotion and final course grades in classes with state end-of-course (EOC) exams, based solely on the student's performance in the course.”

2. If a senior does not have a final grade for an EOC course, can they participate in their graduation ceremony?

The results of the state EOC exams will only be used if the exam helps to improve the final grade for the related course. Under FDOE Order 2021-EO-02, the District is “authorized to determine promotion and final course grades in classes with state end-of-course (EOC) exams, based solely on the student's performance in the course.”

3. How are the EOC waivers used for non-senior students? Will students have to make up these EOC scores before they graduate?

Under FDOE Order 2021-EO-02, school districts are authorized to determine final grades for EOC course. Non-senior students will only have the EOC used in their final grade if it helps to improve their final grade. However, these cohorts are still required to meet the Algebra 1 EOC requirement for graduation, and to have the required EOC assessment scores to meet scholar designation requirements.

4. What would happen if my child does not have a Common Final Exam (CFE) score?

To be consistent with the calculation of grades for EOC’s, OCPS has determined to only include a Common Final Exam (CFE) score if the assessment improves the student’s final grade.

Graduation Requirements

1. What happens if my senior does not have a passing Grade 10 FSA ELA and/or Algebra I EOC assessment for graduation purposes?

FDOE Order No 2021-E0-02 authorizes and school district to waive the required state assessments for graduation, if the district determines on a case-by-case basis that the students’ high school record establishes a comparable level of achievement. Therefore, principals will work on a case-by-case basis to determine whether or not a student has demonstrated comparable mastery for these assessments. If comparable mastery is determined, these assessments may be waived.

Diploma Designations

1. What are the requirements for the scholar diploma designation?

The requirements for the scholar diploma for current seniors can be found on FDOE Graduation Requirements and Diploma Designations.

2. Are seniors required to take the EOC to earn a scholar designation, even if it was waived last year?

In response to FDOE Order 2021-E0-02, districts are authorized to waive the requirements to earn diploma designations. Therefore, students who do not have an EOC assessment may use an earned credit in the course to determine comparable achievement for the respective course for Scholar and Merit designation purposes. This diploma designation waiver only applies for students who will graduate Spring, 2021.

English Language Learners (ELL)

Promotion Guidelines - ELL

1. Can an English Language Learner (ELL) student be retained due to English language proficiency?

An ELL student who has been in a U.S. school for less than two years, based on their date entered United States school (DEUSS), shall not be retained based on his/her linguistic or limited English language proficiency. An ELL Committee meeting must be convened to discuss retention of ELLs over the two years period based on their Date Entered a U.S school (DEUSS). FDOE Order 2021-E0-02 states that decisions about whether it is in the best interest of a child to repeat a grade solely for academic reasons must be determined at the local level by the school's principal, after a careful review of the student's academic record, with input from the parents, the student, teachers and school leaders.

2. What guidelines are there for ELLs who have regressed during the 2020-21 school year?

Procedures outlined in the Florida Department of Education Emergency Order 2020-EO-07 should be followed regarding ELLs. If an English Language Learner's English reading, writing, listening or speaking skills have regressed during school closures, school districts should convene an ELL Committee meeting with appropriate staff and parents to determine if additional or supplemental English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services are needed. Although ELL Committee meetings may take place virtually or on-site, school districts should ensure that appropriate identification of English skills has been noted and that schools have the resources to implement additional interventions and strategies.

Until Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) for English Language Arts (ELA) assessment scores are available, and despite Rule 6A6.0903(2)(a)2. b. and c., Florida Administrative Code, school districts are authorized to use scores from district reading assessments, such as progress monitoring, in lieu of FSA-ELA assessment scores, to exit a student from an ESOL program for the 2020-21 school year. Further, despite the requirements of Rule 6A-6.09022(2), Florida Administrative Code, districts may use existing proficiency assessment scores, in lieu of re-testing students for the 2020-21 school year, when determining whether to provide extended services to ELL beyond three years.

3. What guidelines are in place to determine the progression of ELLs in OCPS?

School Board Policy IA, the District’s Student Progression Plan, describes on pages 32-34, pages 63-65 and pages 128-129 the process for progress monitoring, promotion and retention of ELLs. It also includes procedures for grading and documenting the academic progress of ELLs.



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