
Transportation FAQs

General Information

How do I apply to for a bus driver or mechanic position?

Transportation's Career Opportunities contains information about job fairs and open positions.  You can also visit OCPS’ main Career page for information on applying for open positions.

For information on job descriptions, requirements, salary schedules and more, visit Compensation page.

Who is my Transportation Contact?

If you have questions or concerns about your child's bus ride to and from school, the bus driver and/or monitor, contact the Area Manager assigned to your school.

For questions about bus stops or eligibility read Determining Student Eligibility for Transportation or contact the Routing Specialist assigned to your school.

My child resides less than two (2) miles from their assigned school and not eligible for transportation, are there any exceptions?

By law, the State of Florida provides transportation funding for regular education students that live 2 or more miles from the school. Florida Department of Education Rules 6A-3.001

There is an exception for those students receiving special needs services through placement in an Exceptional Education Program (EEP).  The exception requires that each student placed on EEP have an active Individual Education Plan (IEP), or must be approved under the guidelines of Policy 504.

How are hazardous walking conditions determined?

The Transportation Safety Department, along with the city and/or county agencies, will review walking paths throughout the year following the guidelines outlined in Florida Statute 1006.23 Hazardous walking conditions.

DEFINITION —As used in this state statute, the term “student” means any public elementary school student whose grade level does not exceed grade 6.

However, the Orange County School Board has approved this criteria be applied for secondary students as well.

Is my child eligible for bus transportation?

In order to be eligible for OCPS school bus transportation the student must

  • Reside two or more miles from their assigned school, be a participant in a designated Exceptional Education Program with an active Individual Education Plan (IEP), or a 504 Plan that has been approved by the school principal or their designee.

  • Be an elementary student who resides within two (2) miles of their assigned school but do not have a pedestrian route from their home to school that is free of hazards as defined by FS 1006.23.

Determining the two-mile limit for OCPS school bus transportation is outlined in FDOE Rule 6A-3.001. Essentially the distance is measured from a point where the student’s home property meets the public right of way (in the case of a gated subdivision with a private road system, it’s where the subdivision’s entrance meets the public right of way) to the nearest building entrance of the assigned school.  It is the shortest pedestrian route, whether or not it is accessible to motor vehicles. 

All other students whose homes fall within two (2) miles of their assigned school unless otherwise designated are ineligible for OCPS school bus transportation.

What items can my child bring on the bus?

Large items that would interfere with the seating and/or the safety of others on the bus are not allowed on a bus.  

Other items not allowed on the bus would include things that could possibly cause allergic reactions and/or injury to others, i.e., pets/animals, athletic gear, large-sized class projects, skateboards, etc.

Please contact the Area Manager for your school if you have additional questions.


What do I do if my child left an item on the bus?

Please have your child check with his or her bus driver and/or monitor.  Bus drivers and/or monitors are required to check buses before and after every pickup and drop-off. Any items found on the bus will be gathered and kept by the bus driver and/or monitor until the next day.

You can also contact your school's Area Manager.

I'd like to make a complaint, compliment, or suggestions about the bus service?

Please feel free to email OCPS Transportation or call 407-317-3800 and our team will be happy to assist.

Transportation Services is committed to providing excellent customer service and your child's safety is our number one priority. We welcome any feedback!

What if my child missed the bus?

Please remember that students must be waiting at the assigned stop at least 5 minutes prior to the designated pickup time, regardless of weather conditions.  The bus is not required to wait for students who are not at the stop.  If AVL shows that a bus arrived earlier than the scheduled pickup time, it will be at the discretion of the area manager to send the bus back to the stop for any students who may be waiting.

Parents and/or legal guardians may contact the Area Manager for the assigned school if their child has missed the bus.

Bus Route Information in Versatrans' e-Link & My Stop

How do I access Versatrans e-Link?

Parents and/or legal guardians may now find their child's bus route information by accessing Versatrans e-Link.

Enter the User Name which will be the Students' OCPS student ID number; ######### (10 digits) and the Student's date of birth in MMDDYYYY format, no dashes, no slashes (8 digits) for the password. 

For more information on using Versatrans e-Link visit the Student Ridership Information page.

What if the information in Versatrans e-Link is incorrect?

Parents and guardians should check Versatrans e-Link frequently, as it is updated nightly by our routing software. Changes are more frequent at the start of the school year than after the first six (6) weeks of the school year.

If your address, telephone number, or student information is incorrect or has changed, please contact your child's school to have it corrected in Skyward by the school registrar.

Versatrans e-Link gets student information from Skyward.

What if my student's bus route information is blank?

This would indicate that they are not currently on a route. If they are newly registered at a school or moved to a new address, the system may not have updated this information yet.

Please allow 3-5 days for changes to take effect. If you continue to see the error, please contact your child's school to get assistance in correcting it. 

What if we did not move or are not newly registered?

There may be many reasons why the student may not be routed.

Do you reside within 2 miles of the school (under Florida Statute 1006.23)? Is your address current with the school?

Was your student not riding the bus for an extended time?  Please make sure to complete the Student Bus Registration to let us know that your child will be riding the bus, if eligible to do so.  Visit Student Ridership Information for details.

Can I change my child's bus stop time or stop location?

Students are only routed to the home address on file with the school.

Routing Specialists review and route students per the guidelines as outlined in Florida Department of Education Rules 6A-3.001, Basic Principles for Transportation of Students. 

If there's a change that needs to be made, the school must be informed to make an update in the student's ridership record in Skyward.

Where's the bus? How do I check if my child's bus is running late?

Parents and/or legal guardians can log in to their Versatrans My Stop app or visit Transportation's Bus Delay Dashboard on OCPS' main page for the most current information.

When drivers see that they'll be arriving late to pick-up or drop off students, they will notify Dispatch. 

We're using the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. You can participate in this service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our district’s short code number, 68453.

Transportation Services will send an automated call, text message and/or email to notify you that your child's bus is running late and provide an estimated time of delay. Please ensure that your daytime contact information is correct.  Your school's registrar can help you update your child's contact information in the student management system.

Please check your messages before calling Transportation. 

How can I find my child's school bus stop and stop times' information?

Parents and/or legal guardians may now find their student's bus route information by accessing Versatrans e-Link.  You can also call or visit your child's school for help in finding your child's bus information. 

Please have User Name: Students OCPS student ID number; ######### (10 digits) Password: Students date of birth MMDDYYYY, no dashes, no slashes (8 digits). 

For more information on using Versatrans e-link visit the Student Ridership Information page.

What happens if missed my bus?

Please remember that students must be waiting at the assigned stop at least 5 minutes prior to the designated pickup time, regardless of weather conditions.  The bus is not required to wait for students who are not at the stop.  If AVL shows that a bus arrived earlier than the scheduled pickup time, it will be at the discretion of the area manager to send the bus back to the stop for any students who may be waiting.

Parents and/or legal guardians may contact the  Area Manager for the assigned school if their child has missed the bus.

OCPS Parent Portal & School Bus Registration

Where can I get further instructions on how to create or log into my OCPS Parent Portal Account?

  • An online tutorial video can be accessed by visiting OCPS Parent Tech Tips

  • Reviewing the online LaunchPad Directions This documentation will show you how to register for a LaunchPad account. A LaunchPad account is required to get to Skyward Family Access. Available in Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Arabic, Vietnamese

  • Reviewing the online Skyward Family Access Directions

  • Reviewing the Parent Academy Presentation on Skyward Family Access

What if I cannot access the OCPS Parent Portal? My password is not working; I don’t remember my login information, my student(s) name or information is missing, etc.

Contact your School initially to assist with access concerns to your OCPS parent portal.  In addition, you may visit the help section of the OCPS Parent Portal.

Can I access the OCPS Parent Portal on a mobile device?

An online tutorial video can be accessed by visiting OCPS Parent Tech Tips.

This video provides tips on how to complete the REQUIRED Parent Technology Media Information Consent Forms and the OPTIONAL Device Refusal Form in Skyward.

Parents and/or legal guardians must also review the online LaunchPad Directions which will show how to register for a LaunchPad account and provide directions for mobile devices.

Is the OCPS Parent Portal in any other languages or mobile devices?

It is available in Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Arabic, Vietnamese.  Setting your internet browser to your preferred language will allow you to view the OCPS Parent Portal in other languages.

The OCPS Parent Portal
 is also accessible on mobile devices.  Review the online Skyward Family Access Directions and the Parent Academy Presentation on Skyward Family Access.

What if I don’t register my student(s) at the start of the school year but want them to start riding the school bus?

Beginning this school year, parents and/or legal guardians are required to register their child for school bus transportation.  

Families must register for the OCPS Parent Portal to begin the registration process. Then visit the Student Ridership Information website for instructions on how to complete the School Bus Registration for a bus ID card and register for the Versatrans My Stop parent app. 

How do I know if there is a bus near me and I have not registered my student?

Parents must first register their children with the school zoned for their address with Student Enrollment.  Please visit the OCPS Parent Portal or you may contact your school to assist.  After you have enrolled, visit Transportation's Student Ridership Information website for assistance with your bus transportation in your area.

My student has registered; how do I know which bus they ride?

Parents and/or legal guardians may now find their student's bus route information by accessing Versatrans e-Link. Please have User Name: Students OCPS student ID number; ######### (10 digits) Password: Students date of birth MMDDYYYY, no dashes, no slashes (8 digits).  For more information on using Verstrans e-link visit the Student Ridership Information page.


My student qualifies for the bus; how do I register my student to ride the bus?

Parents and/or legal guardians can visit the Student Ridership Information website for instructions on how to complete the School Bus Registration for a bus ID card and register for the My Stop Parent App. Families must also be registered for the OCPS Parent Portal.

What if my student will only ride AM or PM but may occasionally ride both?

When filling out the School Bus Registration Form select B for both AM and PM even if they may ride only AM or PM but on occasion ride both. This will ensure that there’s a seat for your child.

Do I need to register my special needs child if transportation is listed on their IEP?

Yes, all students must register for transportation. The school staffing specialist will also follow up with a member of our routing team to ensure that any transportation services are provided in accordance with your student's IEP.

The information on the School Bus Registration form is incorrect. Who do I contact to update my student’s information?

Transportation information is received nightly from Skyward, the District student information system. To update, change or edit your student’s information, please get in touch with your school with the updated information.

Transportation will receive the new information within 24-48 hours, and the School Bus Transportation Form will also be updated

Do I need to register if my family is currently homeless?

Yes, all students must register for transportation. Our routing team will work with the Homeless Education Department to ensure transportation is provided in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act.

For assistant with MVP concerns, please contact OCPS Homeless Education, McKinney-Vento Program, at 407-317-3485.

Our child shares two addresses under split custody. Do both parents fill out the form?

Yes, both parents should complete the School Bus Registration Form.  Parents must also write and submit a letter to the school stating the following:

  • Which days or weeks the student will ride which bus.

  • Both parents must sign the letter.

  • The court documents, if any, may be requested by the school as proof.

  • The principal and designee will sign the letter and a copy will be given to both drivers.

The student will only be assigned to the bus with the address of record and the other bus the student would ride would be based on Space Available bus service.


What is Space Available ridership?

Routing Specialists work to fill each bus as near to its capacity as possible, but sometimes, extra seats are available. Suppose a student is ineligible for transportation service but wishes to board a bus with unused seating capacity.

In that case, they may do so at the last regular scheduled stop prior to the two-mile limit. We cannot stop at the home address, nor can the student board in the middle of the route. This service becomes available after the first four weeks of the new school year, as routes and student loads constantly change during this time frame.

If a student needs to ride a different bus or has a split custody situation, the same would apply.

This service is unreliable because eligible students may fill the unused seats as the year progresses.  If more ineligible students wish to ride the bus than seats are available, then NONE are allowed to ride so as not to create a neighborhood controversy about who received a ride and who did not.

To register for Space Available ridership, please use the Let's Talk email to submit your request.

Student Bus ID Cards

How do I get a student bus ID card for my child?

Parents and/or legal guardians can visit the Student Ridership Information website for instructions on how to complete the School Bus Registration for a bus ID card and get instructions on how to download use the My Stop Parent App. Families must be registered for the OCPS Parent Portal to register and receive a student bus ID card.

Note: Badges are currently only used on the buses and do not have the student's picture on them. Badges will be printed and sent to the school's main office for distribution.

Is there a paper version of the School Bus Registration Form?

Currently, the OCPS Parent Portal is the only way to register for OCPS transportation and complete the School Bus Registration Form.

For assistance, please contact your school’s office staff or OCPS Transportation at [email protected] or 407-317-3800, and our team will be happy to help.

Should schools have the students' School Bus Ridership ID Cards?

Yes, the Transportation team should have delivered all cards to their schools at this point, and schools should have them in hand.

If students are missing bus ID cards, please contact the school and they'll be able to request a new and/or replacement card for the student.

What should schools do with their School Bus Ridership ID Cards?

Each school may want to handle them a little differently, but they should be:

  1. Going through them to see what student cards they have
  2. Verifying that the students still
    1. Attend their school
    2. Attend OCPS
      1. If no longer at OCPS, cards can be sent back to Transportation or picked up by the area manager and sent back to the Routing Senior Administrator.
    3. If not attending their school,
      1. Schools should reach out to Transportation to let us know they have cards for another school
      2. They can also send the cards directly to the school the student attends
  3. If they are missing cards,
    1. Complete the Bulk Student ID Request to Routing's Senior Administrator with the student's First and Last name and ID number to be printed
  4. Handing cards out to students
    1. Meet the teacher days
    2. First weeks of school


When will the missing cards be at the schools?

We are working to print them as they come to us and send them back to the schools. The first couple of weeks will be spent printing cards and getting them out to schools. This does not mean that students cannot ride the bus. Drivers will still be able to load and unload the students manually.

When will all students be required to use cards fully?

By this time, all student bus riders should have their bus ID cards and all routes fully using them.

Our bus operators will start referring any student not using their card to the school administration.

What if a student loses their card or it gets damaged?

Parents and/or legal guardians or the student should contact their school’s main office.  The school will complete a request for a new bus ID card on behalf of the student.

Do parents still need to complete the online bus registration form?

Yes, the Student Bus Registration will need to completed every school year to ensure student information is current.  More information is available on Transportation's Student Ridership Information website.