Routing Specialists work to fill each bus as near to its capacity as possible, but sometimes, extra seats are available. Suppose a student is ineligible for transportation service but wishes to board a bus with unused seating capacity.
In that case, they may do so at the last regular scheduled stop prior to the two-mile limit. We cannot stop at the home address, nor can the student board in the middle of the route. This service becomes available after the first four weeks of the new school year, as routes and student loads constantly change during this time frame.
If a student needs to ride a different bus or has a split custody situation, the same would apply.
This service is unreliable because eligible students may fill the unused seats as the year progresses. If more ineligible students wish to ride the bus than seats are available, then NONE are allowed to ride so as not to create a neighborhood controversy about who received a ride and who did not.
To register for Space Available ridership, please use the Let's Talk email to submit your request.