The Principal of the Year award recognizes outstanding principals who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students as well as demonstrating exemplary contributions to their schools and communities.
Congratulations to the 2024-25 Principal of the Year!
Myrlene Jackson-Kimble
Principal, Washington Shores Elementary/ Tangelo Park Elementary
Myrlene Jackson-Kimble is a 30-year veteran educator with a proven track record of turning around underperforming schools. A master principal for both Washington Shores and Tangelo Park elementaries, Ms. Jackson-Kimble's approach of collaboration across both schools has fostered a culture of shared responsibility and continuous improvement. Under her leadership, Washington Shores improved from an F school grade to a B. Tangelo Park moved from a D to one point below a B. Jackson-Kimble actively works towards instilling strong and loving values in her students and leaving a positive impact on their lives. As one parent volunteer noted, "One of Mrs. Kimble’s greatest strengths is the ability to foster a positive school culture with high expectations for ALL.”