 Middle School »  By age 14, develop Transition IEP
»  Discuss diploma options
»  Discuss diploma deferment options
 9th Grade  »  Complete Pre-ETS referral through Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
»  Ensure transition goal has been developed
»  Enroll in career based required courses or electives
 10th Grade »  Meet with guidance counselor to ensure graduation requirements will be met
»  Continue participating in Pre-ETS through VR, if appropriate
»  Enroll in career-based required courses or electives
»  Discuss options after transfer of rights
 11th Grade »  Meet with guidance counselor to ensure graduation requirements will be met
»  Continue participating in Pre-ETS through VR, if appropriate
»  Enroll in career-based required courses or electives
»  Participate in on or off campus Community Based Vocational Education (CBVE)
»  Discuss options for deferment
 12th Grade »  Complete Traditional VR referral
»  Enroll in career-based required courses or electives

»  Participate in CBVE
»  Ensure graduation requirements will be met; academic goals and state testing will discontinue
»  Complete applicable deferment paperwork and/or applications for selected program option. 
 Graduation Requirements Met
FLDOE Receive diploma and exit OCPS 
OCPS logo Student defers receipt of their diploma for one the deferment options