With the upcoming hurricane, we know many families may be seeking shelter. Please call 311 for the most updated shelter list, or visit the Orange County Government Emergency Information site at this link for additional information. The Florida Division of Emergency Management has also partnered with Uber to provide free service to and from approved shelters. For additional information, please visit this link.
For updates regarding OCPS and Hurricane Milton, please visit https://ocps.net.
McKinney-Vento Program (MVP
) assists children and youth in transition lacking a fixed, adequate, or regular housing situation.
If a student and his or her family are currently residing in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, streets, abandoned building, or doubled-up with family or friends due to hardship, he or she may qualify for program assistance.
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McKinney-Vento Act
does not provide housing
supports, however it does allow
the following rights to students:
Continuity of school placement:
In order to allow students to have consistency in their education, students may continue to attend the school they last attended when they were living in permanent housing or the school last attended.
This school is called the school of origin.
This includes schools across county lines.
School placement decisions are made in the best interest of the student and factors such as distance from the current living situation are taken into consideration.
- Transportation: Transportation must be provided to all students living 2 or more miles away from the school location.
- Free lunch: All students who qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act receive free lunch.
- Immediate Enrollment
Students who qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act are entitled to immediate enrollment, even if they do not have the proper paperwork (immunizations, address verification, etc.) at the time of enrollment.