
Student Enrollment will resume seeing families by appointments only beginning
Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Welcome to the Office of Student Enrollment 

Thank you for choosing Orange County Public Schools. The Office of Student Enrollment serves OCPS by planning for new schools, managing student transfer options, educational guardianships, verification of residence, international student admission, and rezoning school boundaries.  On these pages you will find all of the necessary information and requirements. 

Please be sure to report changes to the school when there is an address change, name change, or marriage/divorce.

If you have specific concerns related to your child, please reach out to your school principal or to your principal leader.

I need enrollment information about my child entering Kindergarten  I need enrollment information about my child who is a new Student  I need enrollment information about my child who is changing OCPS Schools  Transfers

The Office of Student Enrollment is located at 6501 Magic Way, Bldg 100B, Orlando, FL 32809
Phone: 407-317-3233
Email: [email protected]

Student Enrollment

6501 Magic Way 407-317-3233 [email protected] 

Student Enrollment

6501 Magic Way, Bldg 100B Orlando, FL 32809 407.317.3233 Youtube