
School Board Services

There are eight members that make up the Orange County School Board. Seven are elected from the single district which they represent, where each must reside in that district; and one is elected county-wide and serves as the Chair of the School Board.

Teresa Jacobs - Chair  Angie Gallo - District 1  Maria Salamanca  Alicia Farrant
Anne Douglas  Vicki-Elaine Felder - District 5  Stephanie Vanos  Melissa Byrd - District 7

Members are elected for terms of four years. Four School Board members are elected at the time of the presidential election, and four School Board members, including the Chair, are elected at the time of the gubernatorial election.

School Board members have authority only when the School Board meets in an official session and a quorum is physically present. The School Board is responsible for setting policy and meeting requirements set by the Florida Legislature and State Board of Education Rules. All School Board meetings are conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.

In accordance with Florida's Sunshine Law, all meetings are open to the public, except those dealing with bargaining (involving the unions), executive sessions (involving pending litigation), and/or closed sessions (involving safety/cybersecurity plans).

The Superintendent is appointed by the School Board and has administrative authority for the direction and operation of the school system under policies adopted by the School Board.

OCPS uses Board Docs to manage every aspect of the preparation, approval and distribution of documents associated with board meetings. Please click this link to learn "How to Use Board Docs."

For more information regarding the school board meetings, work sessions, and rule developments please visit                    

School Board Associations

Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA)
Master Board Certified Logo

Florida School Board Association

Central Florida School Boards Coalition

Board Meeting Information

Board Meeting Broadcasts-LIVE
Board meetings are now live-streamed as well as broadcast tape-delayed on YouTube and on Orange TV. Work sessions (audio only) are also live-streamed. Click here for the current meeting or archived broadcasts.

Board Meeting Information (How to use Board Docs)
OCPS uses Board Docs to manage every aspect of the preparation, approval and distribution of documents associated with board meetings. Please click this link to learn "How to Use Board Docs."

Work Session Audio Files
Audio recordings of work sessions are posted in BoardDocs, in the "Adjournment" section of each work session. Allow 24 hours for posting from day of meeting.

Unitary Status

Unitary Status Web Page

Facilities Update - May 10, 2016


Looking for Board Presentations?
To see documents, presentations and charts used in School Board meetings and work sessions, go to "BoardDocs" where they are attached to resolutions or agenda items. Enter a keyword in the search tool for easy searching.

Final Budget Information
The Final Budget and shorter Summary Budget are posted here along with prior year summary budget details.

Strategic Plan Updates
Updates are posted in BoardDocs, under "Strategic Plan Report" of meeting agendas. A search by topic can be done if meeting date is not known.

Quick Links

School Board Services

445 W. Amelia St. Orlando, FL 32801 407.317.3236 Youtube