Find My Bus Instructions

Bus route assignments for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year will be available to view on August 1, 2024.
If you have not registered your student and looking to see if your residence is eligible for transportation service, click here:
Access the Find A Bus System
If your student is already registered, Parents and Guardians may now find their student's bus route information by accessing ELink. You must have your student's ID and date of birth to log into the system.
Please click on the following link to access ELink: ELink Parent Portal
User Name; Student 10-digit ID number
If you don’t know the number, it may be found on Skyward, a report card or you can visit your child’s school with the proper identification. If the primary contact phone number is the same for all of your children, you may access all of your children’s busing information from one log-in.
Password; Student date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)
It must be in the full 8-digit format, with no spaces or dashes. For example: August 1, 2000 would be 08012000
Once signed into Elink, choose STUDENTS from the top menu (between HOME and OPTIONS).
Choose View, My Students
Select your Student Name
Their current school bus route information will be displayed
Early Release Days
Early release days are not displayed as a separate transportation schedule. Unless otherwise noted every Wednesday is an early release day and buses will run 1 hour earlier.
Signing into and using ELink Directions
Frequently Asked Questions
For additional assistance, please contact us and provide the student's name, student ID number and school attending:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 407-317-3800 (Call Center)