OUTSOURCED – Extended Day Afterschool Programs
Orange County Public Schools expectations from outsourced providers are:
An inclusive program that is a safe and developmentally appropriate learning environment. The program must be enriching, promote student achievement through academic, physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each child.
Charge Uniform range of fees for program services—not to exceed 20% of district fee schedule. Fees shall include a morning only and afternoon only rate as well as combination rate.
Standard hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Services shall be offered every day that school is in regular session. Services may be offered on teacher work days, weekdays if the school campus is open during winter break, spring break, and summer break as agreed by the principal and provider in the work authorization. Calendar of service dates shall be agreed on with school administration through the work authorization.
A program that incorporates the following requirements:
Children must be registered and attend the school in order to be eligible to register for school age care services at that school site. During summer, breaks & holidays, children may register and attend school age services at other school locations.
Kindergarten is the minimum age requirement. Pre-K children who are 4 years old by September 1st are eligible for school age services only if the provider obtains licensure for that site. Maximum age requirement: Children may attend through summer following their 5th grade year. At K-8 schools, children may attend through summer following their 8th grade year.
Children with disabilities. Providers must accommodate children attending the program regardless of handicapping condition(s). The provider is not expected to offer medical or nursing services. Reasonable accommodations should be provided in accordance with rights afforded by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; OCPS non-discrimination policy and with child’s IEP.
Nutritious Snack must be in accordance with the standards for Snack Foods in Compliance with USDA regulation 7CFR and 220, Orange County Public Schools, Eat Smart Nutrition Standards, and Orange County Public Schools, Wellness Policy.
No additional fee may be charged for snacks or any activity. Vendors may participate in the federal school lunch snack program if school is qualified and program is available.