Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) view and analyze data based on geographic location.
OCPS manages its GIS functions through the Student Enrollment Department.
The following departments use GIS in their work:
Facilities Planning –
Analyzes residential developments for School Concurrency, projects
student growth, performs growth management studies and maintains
district maps.
Real Estate –Locates and analyzes the condition of available property to use for new school sites.
Student Enrollment–
Rezones students to new schools, verifies addresses and advises the
Real Estate Department and Advance Planning Committee of search areas
for future schools.
Transportation – Assesses street data and aerial photography for planning bus routes and bus stops.
OCPS Staff with map on display at ESRI International User's Conference, July 2023, San Diego, California.

OCPS Staff with map on display at ESRI International User's Conference, July 2018, San Diego, California.

OCPS Staff with map on display at ESRI International User's Conference, July 2017, San Diego, California.
Click here for a story map of our rezoning process Published May 24, 2016.

Click here to watch the 8 minute video highlighting OCPS and GIS!