Dr. Teresa Tachon, AP Calculus teacher at Boone High School,
was awarded the Jenny Oren Krugman Service Award by the College Board on
February 8, 2018. Dr. Tachon has taught AP Calculus AB and BC for more
than 25 years. In addition to teaching and providing tutoring for
students, Dr. Tachon sponsors two mathematics clubs: the Math Club and Mu Alpha
Theta Club. Not only does Dr. Tachon teach and support her high school
students, but she also supports AP Calculus teachers districtwide through her
work as districtwide professional learning community (PLC) leader over the past
six years. Through her work in the PLC, Dr. Tachon has mentored new
teachers and shared her expertise with all AP Calculus teachers in OCPS.
Dr. Tachon will receive the award at the Southern Regional Forum in Orlando,