
Positive Discipline Policy

It is the goal of the VPK program that children are successful and attain the skills necessary to be successful in kindergarten.

For all children to be successful, classroom rules will be established. Classroom rules will be based on respect, courtesy, self-discipline, and may vary from class to class. The rules will be posted in each classroom. Positive discipline techniques will be used to help students learn to make appropriate decisions and choices regarding their behavior. Student behavior will be managed through positive reinforcement, redirection, conflict resolution and modeling.

The following interventions may occur if a child’s behavior is detrimental to the learning process and/or the child becomes injurious to him/herself, other students or staff members:

  • Parent will be contacted via written notification and/or phone call.
  • Parent will be asked to participate in a parent-teacher conference.
  • Parent may be asked to pick up the child from school.
  • Teacher and parent will work together to design and implement specific strategies to help promote positive behavior.
  • If the interventions listed above are not working to correct the child's behavior, the child can be dismissed from the VPK program.
  • Only the school or district administrator have the authority to dismiss a student from the VPK program for non-compliance of the program policy.

Be assured that age-appropriate strategies will be utilized to maintain student behavior. Children will not be subjected to discipline that is severe, humiliating, frightening or developmentally inappropriate.

Discipline Agreement

The following interventions may occur if a child's behavior is detrimental to the learning process and/or the child becomes injurious to him/herself, other students or staff members:

  • Parent will be contacted via written notification and/or phone call.
  • Parent will be asked to participate in a parent-teacher conference.
  • Parent may be asked to pick up the child from school.
  • If the interventions listed above are not working to correct the child's behavior, the child can be dismissed from the VPK program. /li>
  • School-based administrators have the authority to dismiss a student from the VPK program for non-compliance issues of this discipline policy.

Select the link below to download print friendly version of the Discipline Agreement in the language listed.