
Language Line Over the Phone Translation

Orange County Public Schools has entered into an agreement with Language Line Solutions to provide over-the-phone interpretation services for families at schools.

What is Language Line Phone Interpreting Services? 

Language Line is a direct connection to live interpreters in over 240 languages. Through Language Line, OCPS schools will be able to provide interpretation services to our diverse families.  

When to use Language Line Services? 

Language Line Services is used when there is no available staff at the school to provide on-the-spot interpretation services. School personnel is to be used first if available and are not to be pulled from classroom instruction for interpretation. If school personnel is not available, Language Line Services may be used.  

Schools needing interpreters for face-to-face parent meetings will submit requests through Multilingual Services Department.

We speak your language poster

Language Line InSight Video Interpretation

On-demand video remote interpreting service available in the top 41 most requested languages, including American and British Sign Language