
Students on J-1 Visa Foreign Exchange and F-1 Visa I 20s

Applications for OCPS are closed for both J-1 Visa Foreign Exchange and F-1 Visa I-20 students for the 2024-2025 school year. F-1/I-20 applications for the 2025-26 school year will be accepted starting May 12, 2025. Please review the guidelines below for applying.

Important Information for Foreign Students entering on B-1/B-2 Visa

Important Information for Foreign Students Entering with a B-1/B-2 Tourist Visa Who Want to Register in School - Click here

Información importante para los estudiantes extranjeros que entran con una visa de turista B1/B2 y quieren matricularse en la escuela - Click here

Enrollment in a course of study prohibited. An alien who is admitted as, or changes status to, a B–1 or B–2 nonimmigrant on or after April 12, 2002, or who files a request to extend the period of authorized stay in B–1 or B–2 nonimmigrant status on or after such date, violates the conditions of his or her B–1 or B–2 status if the alien enrolls in a course of study. Such an alien who desires to enroll in a course of study must either obtain an F–1 or M–1 nonimmigrant visa from a consular officer abroad and seek readmission to the United States, or apply for and obtain a change of status under section 248 of the Act and 8 CFR part 248. The alien may not enroll in the course of study until the Service has admitted the alien as an F–1 or M–1 nonimmigrant or has approved the alien's application under part 248 of this chapter and changed the alien's status to that of an F–1 or M–1 nonimmigrant.

Foreign Exchange Students (J-1 visa)

Students on J-1 Visa - Foreign Exchange Students

Orange County Public Schools will accept Foreign Exchange Students for the 2023-24 school year. Organizations work directly with the school/principal for the application process following the policy below.

Procedures for Admission of Eligible Students as prescribed in School Board Policy JFABB 

Any foreign student who is sponsored by a foreign exchange visitor program approved by the U.S. Department of State and on the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (“CSIET”) Advisory List of Educational Travel & Exchange Programs and who fulfills eligibility requirements, including the written approval of an Orange County principal, is entitled to attend an Orange County high school.

(1) Definitions.

(a) “Council on Standards for International Educational Travel” (“CSIET”) is an organization that sets standards for international youth exchange programs; monitors organizations’ compliance with CSIET Standards; publishes the results of the evaluation process in the Advisory List and distributes the Advisory List throughout the educational community. CSIET is endorsed by the United States Department of State.
(b) “Sponsoring Organization” is a non-profit organization offering international educational and cultural youth exchange experiences through their programs.
(c) “Sponsor” is the person from the participating foreign exchange student organization who undertakes responsibility for the recruitment, placement, and overseeing the Foreign Exchange Student for said student’s entire exchange experience.
(d) “Foreign Exchange Student” is a foreign national secondary student who has been selected by a sponsor of a youth exchange organization, to participate for up to one year of study in a United States public or private secondary school, while living with an American host family or residing at an accredited U.S. boarding school, and who is seeking to enter, or has entered, the United States temporarily on a J1 VISA.

(2) Applications. Applications may be made by organizations designated as Exchange-Visitor Sponsors for Teen-Ager Programs by the U.S. Department of State on the CSIET Advisory List of Educational Travel & Exchange Programs; provided however, the organization submitting said application shall have tax-exempt status as conferred by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to section 501(c)(3), and shall submit proof of such status to Orange County Public Schools with the required application.

(3) Eligible Students. Students must meet the following eligibility requirements:

(a) Agree to be in attendance a minimum of one (1) semester; attendance for two (2) semesters is preferred;
(b) Be at least fifteen (15) but not more than eighteen (18) years of age on the date of enrollment; 
(c) Have sufficient knowledge of the English language to participate in high school classes;
(d) Provide proof of appropriate medical insurance coverage;
(e) Be accepted by a host family;
(f) Have not received a high school degree or diploma; and
(g) Receive approval from the Orange County high school principal.

(4) Procedures for Admission of Eligible Students.

(a) A Foreign Exchange Student must obtain written approval of the Orange County high school principal at least two (2) months prior to such Foreign Exchange Student’s enrollment date;
(b) The principal may grant approval for entrance of Foreign Exchange Students to:

(i) A maximum of ten (10) Foreign Exchange Students per year; and
(ii) No more than two (2) Foreign Exchange Students from the same country shall be approved for admission to any one (1) high school per year.

(c) The application to the principal shall include:

(i) A transcript from the Foreign Exchange Student’s current school;
(ii) Evidence of sufficient English language proficiency, including reading, writing, and speaking, that will enable the student to successfully function at the academic level in which the Foreign Exchange Student is enrolled. It is not the district’s responsibility to provide any form of special tutorial help in English proficiency; therefore, foreign exchange students are not eligible for ESOL services nor are they eligible for tutoring or other special services.
Evidence may be one (1) or more of the following:

a. Written attestation by an official of the Foreign Exchange Student's home school, or of the American Embassy in the Foreign Exchange Student's home country, or by an American citizen in the Foreign Exchange Student's home country who has taught the student in an academic capacity; or
b. Submission by the Foreign Exchange Student of a letter in his/her own handwriting in English and a recording of his/her voice speaking and reading English.

(iii) Pertinent information about the Foreign Exchange Student;
(iv) Documentation of the Foreign Exchange Student’s health record and an assurance of appropriate medical insurance coverage;
(v) Documentation verifying the age of the Foreign Exchange Student; and
(vi) Written verification that the Foreign Exchange Student has not completed graduation requirements or received a diploma or similar degree from the high school in his/her country.

(5) Enrollment and Orientation. The Foreign Exchange Student and a member of the host family shall meet with the principal and a counselor to enroll the Foreign Exchange Student. The following information will be required at this enrollment meeting:

(a) Copy of the Foreign Exchange Student’s application packet with signed approval from the appropriate Orange County Public School principal;
(b) Educational Guardianship Documentation. The host family must secure educational guardianship from the district’s Student Enrollment Office prior to the enrollment and registration meeting;
(c) J-1 visa and passport or birth certificate;
(d) Proof of immunization on the Florida HRS 680 form;
(e) Proof of physical examination within the last calendar year; and
(f) Verification of host family domicile in Orange County, Florida. Formal entrance to school shall be at the beginning of a semester. An orientation designed to acquaint the Foreign Exchange Student with the American school and with the Code of Student Conduct shall be provided by the school staff. The Foreign Exchange Student shall be expected to follow school rules including complying with the Code of Student Conduct and to participate fully in the education program provided.

(6) Supervision. It is the Sponsoring Organization’s responsibility to resolve problems that arise between the Foreign Exchange Student, the host family, and/or the high school including, if necessary, the changing of host families or the early return home of the Foreign Exchange Student because of personal difficulties. The principal shall notify the local representative of the Sponsoring Organization if the host family is reported to be neglecting the needs of the Foreign Exchange Student. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Sponsoring Organization shall assume responsibility for the student’s health, safety, and legal obligations.

(7) Financial Support. School-related expenses shall be the responsibility of the Sponsoring Organization and the host family. The Foreign Exchange Student may finance school-related expenses if the Foreign Exchange Student is able. The Foreign Exchange Student or host family shall pay for school lunches (unless lunch is provided to the entire school free of charge), admission to school activities, commemorative items such as the yearbook and school ring, and other student-related expenses.

(8) Employment. Foreign Exchange Students shall not be permitted to take regular part-time jobs during their stay in the United States. Noncompetitive small jobs, not to exceed ten (10) hours a week, such as tutoring, grass cutting, and babysitting or house sitting, shall be permitted. Foreign Exchange Students shall not be enrolled in cooperative programs.

(9) Athletic Eligibility. Foreign Exchange Students shall be governed by the Florida High School Athletic Association (“FHSAA”) rules and regulations regarding participation in interscholastic athletic competition.

(10) Academics and Grade Classification.

(a) Foreign Exchange students will not be eligible to receive an Orange County Public High School Diploma.
(b) Foreign Exchange students will be classified as 9th, 10th, or 11th graders.
(c) Foreign Exchange students will be required to enroll in English, American History, American Government, and Economics.

(11) Transcripts. Upon completion of the stay in Orange County, the Foreign Exchange Student shall be issued an official transcript of all work completed.

(12) Registration and Enrollment. Foreign Exchange Students shall only be permitted to register at the high school designated as the school within the regular school attendance boundary of the host family’s residence, following the provisions outlined in Board Policy JCA.   

As the student will be residing with someone other than the parent, an Educational Guardianship is required – Please refer to our website for requirements:

Educational Guardianship requirements

IMPORTANT:A notarized letter from parents naming Educational Guardian is required.

Student F-1 Visa Process (I-20 Application)

Click below for information and to download the application:

Cost of tuition for the 2025-26 school year has NOT been updated - we are waiting for the Florida State Legislature to establish the Budget for the 2025-26 school year.

I-20 Information and Application Process 2024-2025 school year

Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year will be available from May 12, 2025 with a deadline to apply of Thursday, July 10, 2025.

If student will be residing with someone other than the parent, an Educational Guardianship is required – Please refer to our website for requirements:

Educational Guardianship requirements

IMPORTANT: A notarized letter from parents naming Educational Guardian is required.

To make an appointment with Student Enrollment for an I-20 Student Visa, please call (407) 317-3700 ext 202-2118 and ask to make an appointment for the I-20 process.