The Charter School Support office is located at Gotha Middle School. The address is 9155 Gotha Road, Orlando, FL 34786. Phone Number 407 317-3312
The district ESE office
supports students with disabilities who attend charter schools in Orange
County. Students with disabilities and their parents retain all rights
afforded them under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act –
Charter schools that are public schools of the local educational agency - LEA, Orange County, must:
children with disabilities attending those charter schools in the same
manner as the LEA serves children with disabilities in its other schools
including providing supplementary and related services on site at the
charter school to the same extent to which the LEA serves its other
Ensure that educational services are provided to charter school students.
funds to those charter schools on the same basis as the LEA provides
funds to the other public schools, including proportional distribution
based on relative enrollment of children with disabilities. (34 CRF
OCPS provides technical assistance and services to charter schools through district ESE staff. These services include:
child find, consultative services, expertise in compliance monitoring
and documentation and dispute resolution support.
OCPS utilizes
the services of district staffing specialists to ensure compliance with
state and federal regulations who deliver on-site services at charter