
Notice of Availability: The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act)

The Clery Act requires institutions of higher education to inform members of the community about its campus crime statistics, campus safety information, education & prevention programs, and related information under federal law. This information is within the Orange Technical College’s Annual Security Report (ASR).

Orange Technical College (OTC) provides the campus community members who work, study, and visit our campuses with a safe and secure environment.  Our success is largely dependent upon the awareness and cooperation of the community members. Orange Technical College encourages all faculty, staff, and students to review the ASR and become familiar with the services and programs that are available to help keep the campus safe.

You can obtain this information by contacting the OCPS District Police at 445 W. Amelia St. Orlando, FL 32801, or via phone at (407) 317-3325. Information is also available at any of the five OTC campus locations or by downloading the digital version of the Annual Security Report