
Welcome to the OCPS Forms Management Page! Contained on this site is valuable information on the new Forms Management program.

  • To locate a form, simply click on 'Department Forms' link on this page.
  • For questions regarding the program and the process please review the Frequently Asked Questions.
  • If you are an OCPS employee, please visit the Forms Management Intranet site for all official forms pertaining to your employment.
  • If there is a form that is missing or has an error, please contact [email protected].
  • If you are looking for your W-2, please click on Department Forms-->Employee Forms -->Payroll
  • If you need help with a form or any processes associated, please contact the owning department.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an official form?

An official form is any form, memorandum, letter or method which meets any of the following criteria:

  1. Collects, maintains or reports items of information in multiple locations per applicable statutes, laws or District mandates.
  2. Requests or requires information from the public.
  3. Causes the expenditure of district funds directly or through staff action.
  4. Forms that are utilized for communication in multiple areas that require uniformity to comply with the Orange County School Board Policy.

What is the Forms Review Committee and their role?

The Forms Review Committee is a statutorily prescribed committee that must consist of a majority of teachers.  Their role is to evaluate and approve new, revised, or forms marked for deletion to ensure that they are efficient and do not duplicate data collection.

How do I get a form published? Changed? Deleted?

You must send the original Word/Excel/PDF version of the form along with the Official Business Question form completed to[email protected].

  • From there, your form(s) will be submitted to the Forms Review Committee for their review and approval.
  • After FRC approval, Forms management will either make the appropriate changes, create, or delete your form.
    • If the form is to be deleted, its form ID will be retired, never to be used again.
    • There are no further steps after deletion.
  • Approved form(s) will be sent back to the sponsoring department for their review and sign off.
  • Changes will be immediately published on the Forms website.

You will be supplied with the form URL to post to your individual site. If you’ve already received the URL and are just requesting a form edit, you will need to do nothing. The new version will immediately replace the prior version.

Can I put a form on my department or school internet and/or intranet site?

You may NOT put an official form that has not gone through the Forms Management office on your sites, pursuant to OCSB Policy EH Forms Management.  Section 1008.385 Florida Statutes all official forms must be housed in a centralized repository.

We will provide you with the form’s URL.  The URL link will not change when changes are made to your form. Changes will automatically be reflected when you click on your link.

What if I’m looking for a form and it’s not on the forms site?

Chances are, it’s either not an "official" form (See definition), it’s in the process of being approved, or it simply wasn’t submitted to us for publication.  Always email [email protected] to inquire about a form.

How do I print a form?

Click on the "Print" icon (looks like a PDF icon) on the Formatta toolbar. You'll have the option to print a paper copy after the form is converted to PDF.

Do I have to fill out a form online?

Ultimately, the department who uses the form will determine if they can accept manually created forms.  Official forms are usually designed to be filled out electronically.

How do I get a form mass printed?

You must first check with the sponsoring department to see if their standard operating procedures include mass printing. The Student Registration Packet, for instance, is not to be mass printed since the sponsoring department uses a completely electronic process.

Please note:

  1. OCPS Supply Center may stock the form(s) in their inventory.  Check here first.
  2. Contact OCPS Printing Services Department to get them printed. They work closely with the Forms Management area to ensure that the correct version is always utilized.

How do I close a form?

To close a form, click on the red X located at the top right hand corner of the Formatta browser. If you click the X on the internet browser, the form is still considered open.

Is there a standard format for official OCPS forms?

Yes, there is!

All official OCPS forms will have the orange OCPS color blocks located in the top left-hand corner with the form name centered at the top of the page.  Additional formatting includes; 12pt Arial, OCPS form ID in the bottom right-hand corner.

Do I have to fill out the Official Form Business Questions?

There are instances where you will and instances where you won't.

Fill out the form if:
1. It is a brand new form
2. It is a form edit where the type of data being collected has changed.

Do not fill out the form if:
1. Your form requires a minor edit (i.e. year change, minor verbiage change ect...)

If the Business Question form is not completely filled out, it will be returned to you.

Information and Resources

Forms Process  

Orange county school board Policy EH Forms Management
Learn exactly what is considered an official form from the policy

How do I use Formatta?...

For tips on how to use Formatta iFiller, please click here:
Formatta Filler Tips & Tricks 

Contact [email protected] for questions not addressed on the site.
If you are looking for your W-2, please click on Department Forms-->Employee Forms -->Payroll