Reproductive Health and Disease Education

The Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) Reproductive Health and Disease Education materials for the 2024-2025 school year were approved by the Florida Department of Education, effective October 17, 2024. Instruction in these materials will be delivered at each grade level by a certified Florida teacher, who will determine the appropriate instructional method. OCPS parents and/or guardians can click this OCPS Parent Portal linkto access and view the instructional materials used in OCPS reproductive health and disease curriculum.

Parents are able to exempt their children from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS (per FL State Statute 1003.42). OCPS parents and/or guardian who wish to exempt their children from participating in reproductive health and disease instruction, including instruction relating to HIV/AIDS, can make a written request to their children's school principal. Visit your children's school's website for principal contact information.

Parents and community members can use the link below to provide feedback for the review of content in Instructional Materials currently supported by the School Board of Orange County Public Schools.

OCPS Reproductive Health and Disease Education Instructional Materials Community Feedback Form

2024-2025 Implementation Plan

Methods in which instruction will be delivered for each grade level

Professional qualifications of the instructional personnel

Instructional materials used for such instruction

Health Education as described

in section 1003.42(2)(o), F.S., including dating violence and abuse, benefits of abstinence, life skills, and the effects of social media

Grades 1 - 5: Digital lessons facilitated by classroom teacher


Grades 6-8: Digital lessons facilitated by classroom teacher


Grades 9-12: Digital lessons facilitated by classroom teacher


Grades 1-5: Classroom instruction that is aligned to Monique Burr Foundation Child Safety Matters & Mental Health Matters


Grades 6-12: Classroom instruction that is aligned to Monique Burr Foundation Teen Safety Matters


Grades 6-12: Digital lessons through Canvas aligned to Monique Burr Foundation Mental Health Matters

Grades 1- 5: Florida Certified Teacher(s)

Grades 6-8: Florida Certified Teacher(s)

Grades 9-12: Florida Certified Teacher(s)

Grades 1-5: Florida Certified Teacher(s), school counselors, and school social workers

Grades 6-12: School counselor and school social workers

Grades 6-12: Florida Certified Teacher(s)

Grades 1-5: Teachers facilitate interactive digital citizenship lessons on cyberbullying awareness, online identities, and password protection.


Grades 1-5 (Student Services): School social workers facilitate the Monique Burr Foundation Child Safety Matters lessons that cover life skills including resiliency and responsible decision-making. Classroom teachers implement the Monique Burr Foundation’s Mental Health Matters curriculum to promote mental and emotional health, including coping strategies and self-awareness.


Grades 1-5: Classroom instruction that is aligned to Monique Burr Foundation Child Safety Matters & Mental Health Matters


Grade 5 Science or Health: OCPS developed and FDOE-approved Puberty Education lesson.


Grades 6-8 Science or Health: OCPS developed and FDOE approved Reproductive Health and Disease Education lessons and Florida-adopted Florida Glencoe Teen Health, 2014 textbook.


Grades 6-8 ELA: Students complete a self-paced Digital Citizenship course that addresses internet safety and the effects of social media.


Grades 9-12 ELA: Students complete a self-paced Digital Citizenship course that addresses internet safety and the effects of social media.


Grades 9-12 HOPE-Core: OCPS developed and FDOE approved Reproductive Health and Disease Education lessons and Florida-adopted Florida Health by Glencoe, 2014 textbook.


Grades 7-12: Dating violence and abuse prevention lessons developed by classroom teachers.


Grades 6-12 (Student Services): Teen Safety Matters is facilitated by middle and high school student services personnel in a classroom setting utilizing the Monique Burr Foundation Teen Safety Matters curriculum. The curriculum covers human trafficking prevention and digital safety, including social media, substance abuse prevention, life skills, and coping strategies for mental and emotional wellness.


Grades 6-12 (Student Services): Students access the Monique Burr Foundation’s Mental Health Matters curriculum through a self-paced virtual Canvas course where they practice life skills such as resilience, self-awareness, self-management, and responsible decision-making.

This implementation plan is not limited to Reproductive Health and Disease Education and includes topics related to Resiliency Education. See the OCPS Student Services webpage for additional information.