
Employee Wellness Program Logo

Orange County Public Schools believes that a healthy staff can more effectively perform their assigned duties and model appropriate wellness behaviors to students. The OCPS Employee Wellness Program (EWP) is designed to reach all employees at various levels of interest and need. Since we are self-insured, we strongly support wellness activities that encourage our employees to play an active role in their own health status. We offer preventive and disease management activities in two parallel tracks of complementary services (clinical/non-clinical). Both tracks offer a full continuum of prevention, early detection and health maintenance components.

The EWP offers support in a variety of disease states including asthma, diabetes and heart disease, along with programs in smoking cessation, well-pregnancy, weight loss and special screenings.

Group-focused prevention activities and education are offered through trained, school-based wellness representatives. Wellness representatives also act as communication liaisons, keeping their population informed of available services and programs.

The OCPS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential and professional service available to all employees. The EAP includes assistance with a variety of issues including emotional, psychological, family, alcohol and drug problems.

Employee Wellness Program

OCPS Employee Wellness Program
Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center
445 W. Amelia Street
Orlando, FL 32801
407.317.3200, Ext.2929

[email protected]

Employee Assistance Program

OCPS Employee Assistance Program


Employee Information

  • Application for Adoption Benefit
    The language in section 409.1664, Florida Statutes, authorizes monetary benefits to certain employees who adopt a child from the Florida child welfare system. This is the application for the benefits.

  • Employee Wellness on the Intranet
    Click here to access employee specific information. You must log in to access Intranet pages. To log in, use the same OCPS username and password that you use to log on to your computer or email at work.