
Dr. Leigh Austin
Leigh Austin

Franco Frazzetta
Franco Frazzetta
Resource Teacher

Kimberly MuellerKimberly Mueller
Resource Teacher

Transition Services Banner

Transition services are a coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability that

  • is designed to be a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the student with a disability to facilitate the student's movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation; and...

  • is based on the individual student's needs, taking into account the student's strengths, preferences and interests; and

  • includes instruction, related services, community experiences, employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills.

Contact Info

For Transition Services, Contact: For Dr. Austin's Office, Contact: 
Jill Woodham
Program Assistant
at (407) 897-6420, Ext. 2032522

Na'Tereya Mosley
Administrative Secretary
at (407) 897-6420, Ext. 2032525


Our Transition Services district office is located at the Kaley Exceptional Student Education Center, just south of beautiful Downtown Orlando.