Storage Tank Management
For OCPS purposes,
a "Tank" is a 55-gallon or larger container that is filled to store
hazardous materials to be dispensed at a later time. Examples of
hazardous materials include fuels, flammable liquids, mixed
pesticides, solvents, or other cleaning fluids.
The following are not considered to be OCPS Tanks:
- Original Shipping Containers
- Flammable Storage Cans such as a 5-gallon gas can
- Hazardous Waste Storage Drums (inspected under a different program)
uses tanks to store fuels for vehicles, lawn mowers, tractors, and
other equipment. OCPS also has heating oil tanks at some schools.
tank, regardless of size, that will hold petroleum products or
hazardous materials must be justified and approved by ECD. New tanks
must be approved before they are installed. ECD will work with the users
of the tanks to accomplish this.
Compliance is responsible for ensuring all storage tanks meet the
following OCPS criteria. ECD will determine the best way to bring all
existing tanks up to these standards, if needed.
tanks must meet all environmental laws and regulations. The basic
regulation is Florida Administrative Code 62-762. Regulated tanks
Underground storage tanks that are greater than 110 gallons.
Aboveground storage tanks that are greater than 550 gallons.
new non-regulated tanks must be aboveground and placed on impervious
surfaces with an air gap between the tank and the surface.