Early Intervention

ESE Prekindergarten provides classroom opportunities and services to our youngest students. ESE Prekindergarten classes are located throughout the district. Our vision is to move these services to children’s natural environment for optimal learning opportunities and peer engagement.

Preschool Diagnostic Intervention Services

Preschool Diagnostic Intervention Services (PDIS) provides screenings and evaluations for preschool children with suspected developmental delays who may be eligible for services in Orange County Public Schools. The child must reside in Orange County to be eligible for this free service.

PDIS serves:

  • Children ages three to five with potential disabilities or developmental delays
  • Children transitioning from Part C services

Our evaluation center is located at 3130 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL 32804. Our contact number is 407-317-3503.

Contact Info

Leigh Austin
407-317-3200 x 2763

Kathryn Anderson
Senior Administrator

Helpful Resources