Families with kids from kindergarten to eighth grade came to check out their new campus on July 29th. This Sneak Peek of Pershing School showed off the campus' new gymnasium, cafeteria, art room, music room, news production room and gorgeous classrooms! These new Panthers are very excited to start the new school year!

Administrators Pam Thompson (left) and The News Production room at Pershing
Sylvia Ramos (right) volunteer their time
helping out with the Sneak Peek
A short two weeks later, the staff of OCPS and COVE got an a bus to enjoy a field trip. They went to Pershing school to get a tour of their own. The staff got to see the brand new classrooms and all of the new features that the school had to offer!

OCPS staff loads the bus first thing Pershing school's new elementary art room Tour guide shows off his conga skills!
in the morning