Work Session discusses electrocardiograms
Posted on 04/20/2021
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Orange County School Board held a work session to discuss requiring an electrocardiogram for all student athletes prior to participation.


Sudden cardiac arrest is a condition where death can result from the abrupt loss of heart function; it is the leading cause of death in athletics. EKG screenings assist in diagnosing several heart conditions that contribute to sudden cardiac arrest. 


The proposal includes:

  • Requiring all high school student-athletes receive an EKG prior to the start of their 2021-2022 FHSAA season
  • EKGs will be incorporated at spring/summer physical events at schools or parents can obtain one from their own doctors using documentation included in the Annual Sports Activity Participation packet
  • A scholarship program will be established to help uninsured/under-insured 
  • Student athletes will need only one EKG exam during their four years of high school


View the presentation provided to School Board members.


Next steps:

The resolution will be presented to the board for a vote at the scheduled Board Meeting, April 27, 2021.
*Reminder* Work sessions are live-streamed on the
 School Board’s YouTube channel and will be accessible from web browsers on computers or mobile devices.