Acceleration East
Accelerate your learning by building a personalized flexible schedule that meets both your personal and academic needs. Students will complete high school credits with the following benefits: small school environment, face-to-face instruction, online course recovery and credit retrieval, and Florida Standards Assessment and End-of-Course (EOC) exam preparation.
Acceleration West
Accelerate your learning by building a personalized flexible schedule that meets both your personal and academic needs. Students will complete high school credits with the following benefits: small school environment, face-to-face instruction, online course recovery and credit retrieval, and Florida Standards Assessment and End-of-Course (EOC) exam preparation.
Alternative Education
Alternative Education aims to provide a unique educational environment as the umbrella of various school pathways and school sites. The delivery of services meets individual learning needs of a diverse population in nontraditional settings. Encompasses OCPS School to Work programs, Residential Therapeutic programs, Teen Pregnancy programs, and Department of Juvenile Justice programs.
Positive Pathways Transition Center
The focus of this program is to help students recognize and enhance their personal strengths in order to define and achieve their life goals. Students at Positive Pathways will have the opportunity to build their academic skills as they complete credits towards high school completion.