
A Child is a Human Caution Sign

Florida School Bus Safety Children on yellow School Bus

Florida Department of Education School Transportation and Management Office

The Florida Department of Education (FDOE), Florida’s school districts and charter schools are committed to the safety of students and schools. Ensuring access to learning requires that students get to and from school safely, regardless of their mode of travel. Students often walk, bike, or ride to and from school or the bus stop on their own or with parents, guardians, or others.

To ensure safety, all students are expected to abide by the OCPS Code of Student Conduct as well as the following Standards of School Bus Behavior:

Rule 6A-3.0121, Florida Administrative Code

Requires districts and charter schools to inform parents, guardians, and students at least annually in writing of their own responsibilities for safe travel to and from school or the bus stop and their homes.

The relevant part about Transportation states:

The district shall inform parents, guardians, and students at least annually, in writing, of their responsibilities and related district policies as follows:

  1. To ensure the safe travel of their students during the portions of each trip to and from school and home when the students are not under the custody and control of the school district, including during each trip to and from home and the assigned bus stop when the school district provides bus transportation.

  2. To ensure that students ride only in their assigned school buses and get off only at assigned bus stops, except when the district has approved alternative buses or arrangements.

  3. To ensure students are aware of and follow the district’s adopted code of student conduct while the students are at school bus stops and to provide necessary supervision during times when the bus is not present. To ensure students are aware of and follow the district’s adopted code of student conduct while the students are at school bus stops and to provide necessary supervision during times when the bus is not present.

  4. To ensure that, when the physical disability of the student renders the student unable to get on and off the bus without assistance, the parent or guardian provides the necessary assistance to help the student get on and off at the bus stop, as required by district policy or the students individual educational plan.

Transportation Services

Call Center Help Desk

Link to Find My Bus application
Click on the school bus to find your child's bus route.

Bus Safety

Everyone has a role in school bus safety!  A safe, pleasant, ride helps students start and end the school day on a positive note. This can have an enormous impact on a student's attitude toward school.

Prohibited large items not listed on page 8 of the Code of Student Conduct that would interfere with the seating and/or the safety of others include:

  • Athletic equipment
  • Large-sized class projects
  • Other items that could cause issues or injury
Image of Dome Video Camera used in School Bus

Video Cameras
on the Bus

Students may be filmed at any time during their ride. The tapes may be utilized to determine violations of the Code of Student Conduct.

Violations of these standards, the Code of Student Conduct or any action or behavior by a student(s) to substantially distract the driver and causes or has the potential to cause a safety hazard on a moving bus may be the basis for suspension from bus/school and/or expulsion from bus riding privileges.