
Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

In accordance with FL Statute 1006.40, Orange County Public Schools is committed to providing "each student in kindergarten through grade 12 with a major tool of instruction in core courses of the subject areas of mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, reading, and literature." Orange County Public Schools is a closed district for instructional materials adoption and follows the FLDOE instructional materials adoption timeline. The FLDOE provides valuable information pertaining to instructional materials on the following websites:

The adoption of instructional materials in OCPS follows the guidelines outlined in School Board Policy IJ Instructional Materials Program, Selection, and Objections. Click on a policy topic title below to expand the accordion for details.

Allocation of Instructional Materials

Allocation of Instructional Materials (Sections 1002.20, 1003.02, 1006.28, 1006.40, Florida Statutes)

The distribution of all textbooks, library resources, and other instructional materials shall be made on an equitable basis to District schools. The allocation of these materials shall be based on student full-time equivalent (FTE) membership funds, school enrollment and membership, or similar indicators of the schools' student population.

Selection of Instructional Materials

Selection of Instructional Materials (Sections 847.001, 847.012, 1001.54, 1003.42, 1012.28, 1006.28, 1006.283, 1006.29, 1006.31, 1006.40, Florida Statutes)

It is the constitutional duty and responsibility of The School Board of Orange County, Florida ("Board") to select and provide adequate instructional materials to all students of the District, whether the materials are selected from the list of approved materials from the Florida Department of Education or through a local selection program. The following procedures for the selection of instructional materials apply only to those instructional materials that serve as the major content tool and basis for instruction for each student in the core subject areas of mathematics, language arts, social studies, science, reading, and literature. The Division of Teaching and Learning shall coordinate the selection of instructional materials.

  1. State-Adopted Instructional Materials

    1. The Florida Commissioner of Education shall determine annually the areas in which instructional materials shall be submitted for adoption and evaluate them pursuant to law.
    2. The Superintendent, or designee, shall assign responsibilities for the District's participation in the State adoption of instructional materials, determine areas of the curriculum in which State adoption of instructional materials is needed and communicate those needs to the Commissioner of Education, and establish procedures for the requisition, purchase, receipt, storage, distribution, use, conservation, maintenance of records and reports, management practices, and property accountability concerning instructional materials.
    3. The duties and responsibilities include keeping adequate records and accounts for all financial transactions for funds collected. Such records and accounts shall be a component of the educational service delivery scope of the District's best financial management practices review.
  2. District-Adopted Instructional Materials

    1. The Board shall implement its own instructional materials review and selection program for District-adopted instructional materials that are not State-adopted. The procedures are established within this policy and provide for the evaluation and selection of District-adopted instructional materials.
    2. These procedures include processes, criteria, and requirements for the following:

      1. Selection of review committee members, one (1) or more of whom must be a parent/legal guardian of a child enrolled in a District public school, who is not a District employee;
      2. Review of instructional materials;
      3. Selection of materials, including a thorough review of curriculum content; and
      4. Review committee recommendations.
    3. The procedures also identify, by subject area, a review cycle for instructional materials, specify the qualifications of reviewers, establish a process that certifies the accuracy of instructional materials, and comply with all other current requirements.
  3. Evaluation of Instructional Materials (State-Adopted and District-Adopted)

    Pursuant to Section 1006.28 (2)(a)(1), Florida Statutes, the Board is responsible for the content of all instructional materials used in a classroom or otherwise made available to students, whether adopted and purchased from the State-adopted instructional materials list, adopted and purchased through the District's instructional materials program under Section 1006.283, Florida Statutes, or otherwise purchased or made available.

    1. The selection of instructional materials and the standards used to determine the propriety of the material shall include:

      1. The age of the students who normally could be expected to have access to the material.
      2. The educational purpose to be served by the material. Priority shall be given to the selection of materials that align with applicable State standards and include the instructional objectives contained within the curriculum frameworks for career and technical education and adult general education.
      3. The degree to which the material would be supplemented and explained by mature classroom instruction as part of a normal classroom instructional program. For purposes of this policy "mature classroom instruction" is defined as "instruction suited to the students' ability to comprehend the material presented and appropriate for the grade level and age group for which the materials are used or made available."
      4. The consideration of the ethnic, socioeconomic, cultural, religious, physical, and racial diversity of our society in accordance with Section 1006.31, Florida Statutes.
    2. Any instructional material containing pornography or otherwise prohibited by Section 847.012, Florida Statutes, may not be used or made available within any District school. For purposes of this policy, "pornography" is defined in the Florida Department of Education's online training program as "the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement."
    3. The Superintendent, or designee, may temporarily remove a challenged material during the pendency of a Petition for Objection to Instructional Materials if the Superintendent, or designee, believes it will be disruptive to the student learning environment if the challenged material were to remain available, or if the Superintendent, or designee, determines the materials contain pornography or material that is harmful to minors/obscene.
    4. The instructional materials for College Board Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Dual Enrollment, and Cambridge Assessment International Education are not selected by the Board. The instructional materials may contain college-level content. Participation in these programs is voluntary.
    5. If it is found that an instructional material does not meet the criteria set forth in this policy, or that any other material contains prohibited content, the District shall discontinue use of the material for any grade level or age group for which such use is inappropriate or unsuitable.
    6. Committee members shall complete a training program developed by the Florida Department of Education prior to involvement with the review and selection process. The training shall develop skills to assist committee members in making valid and objective recommendations regarding the content and rigor of instructional materials.
  4. Adoption of Instructional Materials

    1. The appropriate content specialist(s) and the Senior Administrator for Instructional Materials, under the Associate Superintendent who oversees curriculum, shall appoint committees to evaluate materials for District adoption and obtain samples, train committees, and publicize adoptions. These committees shall evaluate instructional materials which have not been used previously in the District to determine their appropriateness and usability in the schools before such materials are requisitioned. Evaluations will consider the Florida standards, statutory requirements under Section 1003.42, Florida Statutes, and the District's strategic plan. Normally, only those instructional materials which have been District-recommended and District-adopted shall be requisitioned for use. By April 1st of each year, the District will notify the Department of Education of the District's plan for purchasing State-adopted materials as required by the Florida Statutes.
    2. The following procedures for the adoption of instructional materials apply only to those instructional materials that serve as the major content tool and basis for instruction for each student in the core subject areas:

      1. Public Meetings of Committees. Meetings of committees convened for the purpose of ranking, eliminating, or selecting instructional materials for recommendation to the Board must be noticed and open to the public.
      2. Public Access of Recommended Materials. Public access to student editions of recommended materials will be provided twenty (20) calendar days before the Board hearing and public meeting.

      3. Public Notice of Materials Considered for Adoption. Public notice of the materials being considered for adoption shall be posted on the District's instructional materials website and shall specifically list which instructional materials are being reviewed and the manner in which the instructional materials can be accessed for public review. (See Instructional Materials Adoption - K-12 Social Studies 2022-2023 section below)
      4. Public Hearing. The Board shall conduct an open, noticed public hearing to receive comment on recommended materials prior to adoption.
      5. Public Meeting. The Board shall conduct an open, noticed public meeting, on a date other than the date of the Board's public hearing, to approve an annual instructional materials plan identifying instructional materials that will be purchased. This public meeting shall be held on a different date than the Board public hearing.
  5. Purchase of Instructional Materials

    1. Following adoption by the Board, requisitions shall be issued to purchase current instructional materials from the State-adopted instructional materials list so that each student in kindergarten through grade 12 will have a major tool of instruction in core courses of the subject areas of mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, reading, and literature. Any materials purchased shall be free of pornography and material prohibited under Section 847.012, Florida Statutes, suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented, and appropriate for the grade level and age group for which the materials are used or made available.
    2. Requisitions shall also be issued to purchase instructional materials that will be the major tool of instruction for subjects in the State Course Code Directory for which the Board has adopted courses of study, but for which there are no materials on the state-adopted instructional materials list.
    3. The Superintendent, or designee, shall approve these purchases.
    4. The District shall maintain on its website a current list of instructional materials, by grade level, purchased by the District.
  6. Access to Instructional Materials

    The District shall publish on its website, in a searchable format, a list of all instructional materials, including those used to provide instruction required by Section 1003.42, Florida Statutes, by grade level, purchased by the District.

  7. Use of Instructional Materials

    The Principal shall ensure that instructional materials are used to provide instruction to students enrolled at the grade level or levels for which the materials are designed and communicate to parents/legal guardians the manner in which instructional materials are used to implement the curricular objectives of the school.
  8. Lost and Damaged Instructional Materials

    The Principal shall collect from each student or the student's parent/legal guardian the purchase price of any instructional material the student has lost, destroyed, or unnecessarily damaged and to report and transmit the money collected to the Superintendent. The failure to collect such sum upon reasonable effort by the Principal may result in the suspension of the student from participation in extracurricular activities or satisfaction of the debt by the student through community service activities at the school site as determined by the Principal.
  9. Objections to Supplemental Instructional Materials Already in Use
    (This does not apply to State-adopted textbooks in use in the classroom. See Objections to Instructional Materials Selected for Adoption section below)

    With respect to supplemental instructional materials already in use, or proposed to be used, in the classroom and/or in the library, a parent/legal guardian of a public school student or a resident of the county shall file a Request for Reconsideration of Media Center Materials or Other Reading Materials as identified in School Board Policy IJL - Media Center Materials Program, Selection, and Challenges. Such material shall include not only supplemental instructional materials used in the classroom, but also bonus and/or other media material that will be placed in the school's media center and/or used in the classroom.

Objections to Instructional Materials Selected for Adoption

Objections to Instructional Materials Selected for Adoption (Sections 1001.54, 1012.28, 1006.28, 1006.283, 1006.29, 1006.31, 1006.40, Florida Statutes)

  1. The following individuals may file an objection to the adoption of a specific instructional material:

    1. A parent/legal guardian of a public school student in the District; or
    2. A resident of the county. For purposes of this policy, "resident" means a resident of the county who has maintained his/her residence in Florida for the preceding year, has purchased a home that is occupied by him/her as his/her residence in the county, or has established a domicile in the county.
  2. Any objection to the selection of any instructional materials shall be filed and processed as follows:

    1. A parent/legal guardian or resident shall file a Petition for Objection to Instructional Materials Adopted by the School Board utilizing the form available and posted on the district's instructional materials information website within thirty (30) calendar days after the Board's adoption of specific instructional materials. The petitioner shall sign the form, include the required contact information, and state the objection to the instructional materials.
    2. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the thirty (30) calendar day period to file a petition has expired, the Board shall conduct a public hearing on all petitions timely received before an unbiased and qualified hearing officer. The hearing officer may not be an employee or agent of the school district.
    3. The hearing is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 120, Florida Statutes; however, the hearing must provide sufficient procedural protections to allow each petitioner an adequate and fair opportunity to be heard and present evidence to the hearing officer.
    4. Within thirty (30) days after the Board receives the hearing officer’s findings and recommendation, the Board, at a public meeting, will consider the petition, the hearing officer’s findings and recommendation, and any evidence presented to the hearing officer, and make a final decision on the petition. The Board has the authority to reject findings of fact unless such finding is objectively verifiable. The Board may review conclusions of law using a de novo standard.
    5. The decision of the Board after conducting the hearing is final and is not subject to appeal.

Use of Instructional Materials Allocation

Use of Instructional Materials Allocation (Section 1006.29, 1006.40, 1006.41, Florida Statutes)

  1. The Board shall expend the annual allocation for acquiring instructional materials that align with state standards and are included on the state-adopted list. Funds which are allocated from the state appropriation for instructional and nonprint materials and which are not expended or obligated prior to June 30th of each year shall be carried forward and added to the next year's allocation.
  2. A maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the annual allocation, except as provided in subsection (1) herein, may be used for the purchase of library and reference books and nonprint materials.
  3. The Board may authorize the issuance of purchase orders subsequent to February 1st in an aggregate amount which does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the current year's allocation, and subsequent to April 1st of each year in an aggregate amount not to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the current year's allocation for the purpose of expediting the delivery of instructional materials which are to be purchased from the ensuing year's allocation.

    1. Principals shall properly account for all books on forms supplied through the Division of Teaching and Learning. Principals shall prepare and transmit such textbook records and reports as may be required by the Superintendent or designee.

Sale of Instructional Materials

Sale of Instructional Materials (Section 1001.54, 1006.28, 1006.29, 1006.41, 1012.28, Florida Statutes)

  1. New textbooks which are unused and in current adoption may be purchased by the public from the state's textbook depository at the net wholesale price paid by the District.
  2. The Principal, upon request of the parent/legal guardian of a student in the school, shall sell to the parent/legal guardian any physical copies of textbooks used in the school. Textbooks shall not be sold to parents/legal guardians at a profit. If used textbooks are available, they may be purchased from the District's textbook depository at the following rates:

    1. used less than one (1) year - original cost;
    2. used one (1) year - 75% of original cost;
    3. used two (2) years - 60% of original cost; and
    4. used three (3) years - 50% of original cost.
  3. Only those supplementary materials which have been authorized in advance may be required for classroom use.

    1. The Principal shall be responsible for determining authorized supplementary materials for school use.
    2. Disciplinary action or withholding school credits to require students to purchase supplementary material shall be prohibited.
    3. The Principal shall be responsible for any expenditures for supplementary materials which are not properly authorized under existing Board rules.

Currently Adopted Instructional Materials*

Currently Adopted Instructional Materials

In addition to adhering to FL Statute 1006, Orange County Public Schools adheres to School Board Policy IJ Instructional Materials Program, Selection, and Objections which details policies and procedures for the adoption of instructional materials. All currently adopted instructional materials have followed the policies and procedures in accordance with School Board Policy IJ. A list of currently adopted instructional materials is available below:

Review Instructional Materials

In accordance with FL Statute 1006.28, the public is able to request to review any of the district's currently adopted instructional materials. For questions, concerns, or to gain access to specific instructional materials, see the spreadsheet linked below:

Request for Reconsideration of Media Center Materials or Other Reading Materials

To request the district reconsider any of the currently adopted instructional materials, please complete the form linked below. Any parent, guardian, or citizen of Orange County who has fully read, seen, or heard the instructional material in question may complete the form below. Once completed, the forms should be submitted to the school principal. Concerns will go through a school-level appeal. If the parent, guardian, or citizen of Orange County disagrees with the results of the school level appeal, the appeal would move to the district-level.

Request for Consideration

In the event of an instructional material concern, parents or guardians may request the use of the instructional material be reconsidered following the process outlined below:

  1. Parent or guardian completes the Request for Consideration Form.
  2. Upon completion of the form, parent or guardian submit the form to the school principal.
  3. School principal convenes a committee of faculty members who can evaluate the educational value of the instructional material in question and make a decision.
  4. School principal will relay decision about the instructional material to parent or guardian and provide possible options if necessary.
  5. Should parent or guardian disagree with decision or options provided, the school principal escalates the concern to the district office.

Objecting to Adoption of Instructional Materials*

Objections to Instructional Materials Selected for Adoption

In accordance with Board Policy IJ, any objection to the selection of any instructional materials shall be filed and processed as follows:

  1. A parent/legal guardian or resident shall file a Petition for Objection to Instructional Materials Adopted by the School Board within thirty (30) calendar days after the Board's adoption of specific instructional materials with Deborah McGill, School Board Clerk, via email at [email protected], or by mail to 445 West Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801. The petitioner shall sign the form, include the required contact information, and state the objection to the instructional materials.
  2. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the thirty (30) calendar day period to file a petition has expired, all completed and timely petitions will be reviewed by an unbiased hearing officer at a public hearing following the procedures established in Board Policy IJ.
  3. The hearing is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 120, Florida Statutes; however, the hearing must provide sufficient procedural protections to allow each petitioner an adequate and fair opportunity to be heard and present evidence to the hearing officer.
  4. Within thirty (30) days after the Board receives the hearing officer’s findings and recommendation, the Board, at a public meeting, will consider the petition, the hearing officer's findings and recommendation, and any evidence presented to the hearing officer, and make a final decision on the petition. The Board has the authority to reject findings of fact unless such finding is objectively verifiable. The Board may review conclusions of law using a de novo standard.
  5. The decision of the Board after conducting the hearing is final and is not subject to appeal.

2023 - 2024 Science Adoption Overview

The adoption of instructional materials in OCPS follows the guidelines outlined in School Board Policy IJ.

Date Event Location/Information
September 29, 2023 Information Posted for Publisher Submissions PUBLIC NOTICE
OCPS Instructional Materials Website
October 30, 2023 Publisher Submissions Due Publishers will submit bids for participation through EdCredible
November 1,2023 Committee Selection Staff Member Selection - Curriculum Teams
Parent Member Selection - Random Selection
November 3, 2023 Committee Communication Committee members will be informed of the selection, timelines, and requirements of the adoption process
December 4-8, 2023 Science Textbook Presentations - Committee Member Individual Review Virtual Presentations from publishers on the 2023-2024 Science Draft Short Bid Report
December 8, 2023 - January 22, 2024 Individual Committee Members' Completion of Rubrics Virtual - Committee Member Individual Review and completion of the rubric (4 Weeks)
January 29-February 2, 2024 Science Selection Committee Meeting PUBLIC MEETING
Conference Room E - Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center (RBELC) 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, FL 32801
February 2, 2024 Recommended Materials made available for Public Review PUBLIC NOTICE
OCPS Instructional Materials Website - 20 Calendar Days
March 12, 2024* Recommended Materials presented to the board PUBLIC MEETING
Conference Room E - Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center (RBELC) 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, FL 32801
April 2, 2024* Recommended Materials to be approved by the board PUBLIC MEETING
Conference Room E - Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center (RBELC) 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, FL 32801
Mid-April FLDOE Approval of Materials Final approval of materials by the FLDOE
April 2 - May 2 2024 Objections to Selection of District-Adopted Instructional Materials PUBLIC NOTICE
OCPS Instructional Materials Website - 30 Calendar Days

*Tentative dates pending school board schedule

Instructional Materials Adoption - K-12 Science 2023 - 2024

Orange County Public Schools is adopting K-12 Science instructional materials that are aligned to Florida's State Academic Standards for Science. Publishers are contacted and all communication related to the adoption process will be facilitated in EdCredible.

The Instructional Materials Adoption for K-12 Science Adoption adheres to FL Statutes for Instructional Materials, Sunshine Laws, and OCPS Policy IJ. School Board Meeting Agendas will be posted after the Adoption Review Committees have selected programs.

Adoption Publisher Bid Documents:

Adoption Rubrics

AP Recommendation Rubrics

Scheduled School Board Meetings:

Adoption Committee Selections and Public Access:

Instructional Materials Adoption - Personal Finance 2023 - 2024

Orange County Public Schools is adopting Personal Finance instructional materials. Publishers are contacted and all communication related to the adoption process will be facilitated in EdCredible

The Instructional Materials Adoption for Personal Finance adheres to FL Statutes for Instructional Materials, Sunshine Laws, and OCPS Policy IJ. School Board Meeting Agendas will be posted after the Adoption Review Committees have selected programs.

Adoption Publisher Bid Documents:

Adoption Rubrics

Scheduled School Board Meetings:

Adoption Committee Selections and Public Access:

Thomas Chang
Senior Administrator, Curriculum and Digital Learning
Orange County Public Schools
445 West Amelia Street
Orlando, FL 32801
[email protected]