Signing event secures top quality practitioners • by Kimberly Wood
Posted on 04/18/2022
A group of people smile for the camera

OCPS hosted the first UCF TQP Signing Day in the RBELC Board Room, April 13.  

Bonnie Toffoli, Director of Talent and Acquistion opened the event with a welcome video highlighting OCPS.  Dr. Bridget Williams, chief of staff, discussed the OCPS partnership with the University of Central Florida's Teacher Quality Partnership program and introduced the guest speakers. School Board members Angie Gallo, District 1, and Vicki-Elaine Felder, District 5, provided both words of encouragement and congratulations for all the TQP graduating seniors.

The TQP schools include OCPS ACE, Catalina Elementary, Eccleston Elementary, Ivey Lane Elementary, Memorial Middle, Orance Center Elementary, Rock Lake Elementary, Union Park Elementary, and Jones High School. The UCF seniors completing their internships in one of these schools were featured.  Each student was congratulated and presented a Letter of Intent to sign for the 2022-2023 school year.  The TQP Juniors were also recognized for their hard work and helped to congratulate the seniors.

All TQP graduates that accept a teaching position at a TQP school for the 2022-2023 school year will receive $2,000 from the grant to purchase school supplies for their first classroom. The graduates at these schools will also receive continuted support as they become an OCPS educator.