SEL Resources from NCLD (National Center for Learning Disabilities

This self-advocacy workshop is presented by Best Buddies, an organization that helps
facilitate inclusion among individual students at schools and workplaces.
Assistive Technology Resources
The OCPS Assistive Technology Team has created training videos for the TouchChat and Proloquo2Go apps that many of our students use for AAC/communication on iPads. If you have a student using one of these apps and would like to know more about programming and backing up student files, see this flyer for details. You will find a link to a YouTube channel with several short training videos on programming steps and backing up students’ vocabulary files.

TouchChat & Proloquo2Go Information and Training Video Links

Social Emotional Learning Links with Tips
for Parents of Students with Disabilities

Fridays with FDLRS
A Parent Webinar Series
The FDLRS Administration is excited to offer a year-long parent webinar series beginning August 21, 2020. These monthly webinars are geared to parents but are also open to educators and other personnel. They will be on select Fridays throughout the year from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Topics will range from technology safety and accommodations in virtual platforms to behavior management, social skills and quality individual educational plans. For topics, dates and registration information, see the attached document. For questions, contact Mary Ann Ahearn by email at [email protected] or by phone at 386-312-2265.
FDLRS Webinars

Parent Engagement Resources
The Parent Resource Guide Print Version
is a flyer that schools can print and disseminate to parents and
teachers for awareness of resources available to them to increase family
engagement within a multi-tiered system of supports.
The Parent Resource Guide Digital Version
is for downloading and works great for parents and teachers who want to
view and access a variety of specific resources to increase family
engagement within a multi-tiered system of supports.
The OCPS parent services program for Exceptional Student Education is a parent to parent partnership funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. For more than ten years, this program has offered peer support, community resource access, District information important to families, and acted as a conduit between schools and families in need. The program is designed to empower parents to advocate
for their own children and to help parents teach their children self-advocacy skills.
Availability is important, so our team answers emails and takes parent phone calls at all hours, seven days a week. The parent services program is administered only by parents of CPS students with disabilities who contract with the District and are not employees. These services for support and information are available to families in both English and in Spanish.