Site 130-E-2 40% Construction Community Meeting

Colonial HS 100% Design/Construction Kick-Off Video of Presentation

NorthLake Park CS 30% Design Community Meeting 5.15.24

Lawton Chiles ES 30% Design Community Meeting 5.13.24

Site 97-E-2 100 Design/Construction Community Meeting 5.7.24

Site 130-E-2 100% Design/Construction Community Meeting 2.22.24
OTC-East 40% Construction Community Meeting 2.15.24 

Site 47-E-4 40% Construction Community Meeting 2.8.24

Site 97-E-2 30% Design Community Meeting 12.7.23

Site 129-M-2 40% Construction Community Meeting 12.5.23

Hunter's Creek MS 100% Design/Construction Community Meeting 12.4.23

Westridge MS 100% Design/Construction Community Meeting 11.13.23

College Park MS 100% Design/Construction Community Meeting 11.6.23

Camelot Elementary School 30% Design Community 10.30.23

Endeavor Elementary School 30% Design Community Meeting 10.26.23

Site 50 40% Construction Community Meeting 10.12.23

Citrus Elementary School 30% Design Community Meeting 10.11.23

Avalon Elementary School 30% Design Community Meeting 10/09/23

Colonial High School 60% Design Community Meeting 9.28.23

Oak Ridge High School's 30% Design Community Meeting 9.28.23

OTC-West 40% Construction Community Meeting 09.20.23

Windermere High School Outdoor Stadium Community Meeting Presentation 08.23.23

OTC-East Campus 100 Percent Design/Construction Kick-Off Presentation 06.26.23

OTC-East Campus Traffic Study

Winter Park HS 100% Design/Construction Kick-Off Presentation 05.17.23

Howard MS 100% Design/Construction Kick-Off Presentation 05.15.23

Site 47-E-W-4 100% Design/Construction Kick-Off Presentation 04.24.23

Whispering Oak ES 30% Design Presentation 04.19.23

Hunter's Creek ES 30% Design Presentation 04.12.23

Hunter's Creek MS 30% Design Presentation 04.10.23

Dr. Phillips ES 30% Design Presentation 04.05.23

College Park MS 30% Design Presentation 03.23.23

Westridge MS 30% Design Presentation 03.20.23

Site130-E-SE-2 30% Design Presentation 03.08.23


Three Points ES 100% Design/Construction Kick-Off Presentation 12.15.22

Winter Park HS 60% Design Presentation 12.14.22

Water Spring MS (Site 65-M-W-4) 40% Construction Presentation 12.12.22

Site 47-E-W-4 30% Design Presentation 10.26.22

Colonial HS 30% Design Presentation 10.24.22

Site 129-M-SE-2 60% Design Presentation 10.17.22

Site 50-H-SE-2 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 09.22.22

Winter Park HS 30% Design Presentation 09.19.22

Site 129-M-SE-2 30% Design Presentation 07.28.22

New Elementary School Prototype Visioning Meeting (10% Design) 06.30.22

Site 50-H-SE-2 60% Design Presentation 05.23.22

OTC - East Campus 60% Design Presentation 05.19.22

Lakeview MS 30% Design Presentation 05.16.22

OTC - West Campus (Site 73-T-W-7) 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 05.12.22

Site 129-M-SE-2 10% Design Presentation 05.05.22

Howard MS 30% Design Presentation 05.04.22

Three Points Elementary 30% Design Presentation 03.30.22

Site 30-E-SE-3 (Stonewyck ES) 40% Construction Presentation 03.07.22

Site 114-E-W-4 (Panther Lake ES) 40% Construction Presentation 03.01.22

Proposed West Bus Compound Planning Presentation 02.16.22

Site 89-E-W-4 (Hamlin ES) 40% Construction Presentation 02.15.22

OTC - East (Site 512-T-E-1) 30% Design Presentation 02.07.22

Water Spring MS 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 1.18.22

Site 50-H-SE-2 30% Design Presentation 1.10.22
2021 Site 132-M-W-4 (Hamlin MS) 40% Construction Presentation 10.19.21

OTC - East 10% Design Presentation 10.13.21

Site 50-H-SE-2 10% Design Presentation 09.23.21

Site 90-K8-N-7 40% Construction Presentation 09.02.21

Site 73-T-W-7 (OTC-Westside) 60% Design Presentation 08.19.21

Jones HS Capital Renewal Presentation 07.28.21

Water Spring MS 60% Design Presentation (Site 65-M-W-4) 06.15.21

Site 204-AE-N-7 30% Design Presentation (Wheatley Adult Education Center) 5.24.21

Site 30-E-SE-3 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 5.3.21

Site 114-E-W-4 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 04.28.21

Site 89-E-W-4 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 04.22.21

Water Spring MS 30% Design Presentation 03.02.21

Site 43-E-SE-2 40% Construction Presentation 02.25.21
Orange Technical College - Orlando 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 2.18.21
2020Site 90-K8-N-7 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 12.09.20

Site 132-M-W-4 100% Design/Construction Kickoff Presentation 12.07.20

Gateway/Cherokee Consolidation (Silver Pines Academy) 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 10.29.20

School Impact Fee Update 10.27.20

Site 114-E-W-4 30% Design Community Meeting Presentation 10.08.20

Site 30-E-SE-3 30% Design Community Meeting Presentation 10.07.20

Site 89-E-W-4 30% Design Community Meeting Presentation 09.24.20

Site 113-H-W-4 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 08.17.20

Site 80-H-SW-4 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 08.12.20

Orange Technical College - Orlando 60% Design Community Meeting Presentation 07.23.20

Site 132-M-W-4 60% Design Community Meeting Presentation 07.28.20 Edgewater HS Field Lighting Presentation 07.27.20 Site 43-E-SE-2 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Community Meeting Presentation 07.20.20 Site 90-K8-N-7 60% Design Community Meeting Presentation 07.16.20 Winegard ES 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 03.09.20

Site 85-E-W-4 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 03.04.20

Pinar Elementary 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 02.26.20

Site 83-E-SE-3 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 02.24.20

Site 20-E-SW-4 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 02.20.20

Magnolia School 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 02.06.20

Jones HS Capital Renewal Community Meeting Presentation 01.27.20

Site 43-E-SE-2 30% Design Community Meeting Presentation 01.16.20

Site 73-T-W-7 30% Design Community Meeting Presentation 01.16.20

Rolling Hills Elementary 40% Construction Community Meeting Presentation 01.15.20

Orange Technical College - Orlando 10% Design Community Meeting Presentation 01.13.20


Site 80-H-SW-4 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Community Meeting Presentation 09.12.19

Site 73-T-W-7 10% Design/Program Verification Community Meeting Presentation 08.26.19  

Site 113-H-W-4 100% Design/Construction Kick-Off Community Meeting Presentation 08.19.19

School Planning and CEAs Board Presentation 06.18.19

Meadow Woods MS Comprehensive Renovation Design Community Meeting Presentation 04.30.19

Site 113-H-W-4 60%Design Presentation 04.29.19

Site 83-E-SE-3 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.29.19

Winegard ES 100% Design/Construction Kick-off  Presentation 04.25.19

Site 80-H-SW-4 60% Design Presentation 04.22.19

Pinar ES 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.17.19

Site 83-E-SE-3 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.29.19

Winegard ES 100% Design/Construction Kick-off  Presentation 04.25.19

Site 80-H-SW-4 60% Design Presentation 04.22.19

Pinar ES 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.17.19

Facilities Services Board Presentation 04.16.19

Site 85-E-W-4 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.15.19 

Rolling Hills ES 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.15.19

Gateway/Cherokee 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.08.19

Magnolia ESE Campus 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 04.08.19

Site 113-H-W-4 30% Design Presentation 03.07.19

Lake Gem ES 40% Construction Presentation 03.13.19

Site 20-E-SW-4 100% Design/Construction Presentation 03.27.19

Acceleration West 60% Design Presentation 03.06.19

Sunrise ES 40% Construction Presentation 02.25.19 

Site 25-E-SW-4 40% Construction Presentation 02.20.19

Deerwood ES 40% Construction Presentation 02.11.19

Site 80-H-SW-4 30% Design Presentation 02.6.19

Site 49-E-W-4 40% Construction Presentation 01.28.19

Site 113-H-W-4 10% Design/Program Verification Presentation 01.23.19

Windermere HS Special Exception Modification Request 01.23.19


Cherokee Neighborhood Community Update 11.14.18

Site 80-H-SW-4  10% Program Verification Presentation 11.08.18

Gateway/Cherokee ESE Consolidation 60% Design Presentation 10.22.18

Magnolia School 60% Design Presentation 10.22.18

Site 208-K8-SE-3 40% Construction Presentation (Pershing/Pine Castle k-8) 10.24.18

How OCPS Plans Schools - Live Town Hall Presentation 08.29.18

Site 83-E-SE-3 30% Design Presentation 09.24.18

Site 85-E-W-4 30% Design Presentation 09.19.18

Rolling Hills ES 30% Design Presentation 09.06.18

Pinar ES 30% Design Presentation 08.20.18

Winegard ES 30% Design Presentation 08.22.18

Site 49-E-W-4 100% Design Presentation 3.1.18

Site 20-E-SW-4 Planning 30% Design-Presentation 05.21.18

Southwest MS 60% Design Presentation 06.06.18

Boone HS Auditorium 100% Design Presentation 04.09.18

Southwest MS 30% Design Presentation 03.28.18

Deerwood ES 100% Design Presentation 03.1.18

Facilities Board Presentation 03.29.18

Pine Hills ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.26.18

Hillcrest ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.26.18

Cypress Park/Durrance ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.21.18

Sunrise ES 100% Design Presentation 2.20.18

Dover Shores ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.14.18

Frangus ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.12.18

Hungerford ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.12.18

Hidden Oaks ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.5.18


Site 49-E-W-4 100% Design Presentation 3.1.18

Deerwood ES 100% Design Presentation 3.1.18

Pine Hills ES 40 Construction Presentation 2.26.18

Hillcrest ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.26.18

Cypress Park/Durrance ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.21.18

Sunrise ES 100% Design Presentation 2.20.18

Dover Shores ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.14.18

Frangus ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.12.18

Hungerford ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.12.18

Hidden Oaks ES 40% Construction Presentation 2.5.18

Site 25-E-SW-4 100% Design Presentation 1.29.18

Maxey ES 40% Construction Presentation 1.22.18

Boone HS Design Presentation 10.30.17

Audubon Park 40% Construction Presentation 10.25.17

Site 25-E-SW-4 60% Design Presentation 10.25.17

Site 37-M-SW-4 100% Design Presentation 10.18.17

Site 205-K8-SW-6 40% Construction Meeting 9.25.17

Sunrise ES 30% Design Presentation 9.25.17

Lake George ES 30% Design Presentation 9.20.17

Lake Gem ES 30% Design Presentation 9.18.17

Site 25-E-SW-4 30% Design Presentation 9.6.17

Deerwood ES 30% Design Presentation 9.6.17

Pershing K-8 100% Design & Planned Development/Status Presentation 8.28.17

Corner Lake MS 60% Design Presentation 8.23.17

Site 37-M-SW-4 60% Design Presentation 7.27.17

Pershing/Pine Castle K8 Land Use & 60% Design Presentation 6.21.17

Site 37-M-SW-4 30% Design Presentation 5.25.17

Maxey ES 100% Design Presentation 5.15.17

Pershing/Pine Castle ES 30% Design Presentation 4.26.17

Hungerford ES 100% Design Presentation 4.24.17

Corner Lake MS Comprehensive Renovation Presentation 4.19.17

Pine Hills ES 100% Design Presentation 4.17.17

Hillcrest ES 100% Design Presentation 4.5.17

Union Park ES 100% Design Presentation 3.29.17

Facilities Board Workshop 2017

Frangus ES 100% Design Presentation 3.15.17

Cypress Park/Durrance ES 100% Design Presentation 3.9.17

Meadow Woods ES 40% Construction Presentation 3.8.17

Dover Shores ES 100% Design Presentation 3.6.17

Hidden Oaks ES 100% Design Presentation 2.21.17

Durrance/Cypress Park ES Merger Presentation 1.30.17

PS8 Community School Update 1.23.17

Site 84-E-W-4 40% Construction Community Presentation 1.23.17

Maxey ES 60% Design Community Presentation 1.23.17

Site 133-K8-N-6 100% Design Presentation 1.11.17

Pershing/Pine Castle ES PTA Meeting Presentation 1.10.17

Hillcrest ES 30% Design Presentation 1.4.17

Lake Como/Kaley K-8 Planning Presentation 03.16.16  Ivey Lane 30% design presentation 03.28.16 MetroWest ES relief (Site 84-E-W-4) Design Presentation 03.30.16 Site 44-E-SE-2 (Lake Nona area elementary) 30% Design Meeting 2.29.16 Site 27-H-W-4 West Orange relief high school 100% Design Presentation Site 84-E-W-4 (MetroWest ES Relief) 30% Design presentation Engelwood ES 40% Construction Presentation 11.28.16

Frangus ES 30% Design Presentation 11.14.16

Site 44-E-SE-2 40% Construction Presentation 12.7.16

Windermere HS 40% Construction presentation 11.02.16
Carver MS 40% Construction Presentation 10.26.16 Site 205-K8-SW-6 100% Design presentation 10.24.16 Union Park ES 30% Design Presentation 10.17.16 Maxey ES 30% Design presentation 10.17.16 Hungerford ES 30% Design Presentation 10.05.16 Site 52-M-SE-2 40% Construction Presentation 10.3.16 Dover Shores ES 30% Design Presentation 9.28.16 Pine Hills ES 30% Design Presentation 9.26.16 Hidden Oaks ES 30% Design Presentation 9.26.16 Site 131-PS8-SW-5 40% Construction Presentation 9.21.16 Site 21-M-E-2 40% Construction Presentation 9.14.16 Site 205-K8-SW-6 60% Design Presentation 8.22.16 Site 133-K8-N-6 Project Update Presentation 8.17.16 80-H-SW-4 Land use plan Presentation 7.27.16 Cypress Park ES 30% Design Presentation 7.25.16 Rock Lake ES 100% Design presentation 6.06.16 Ivey Lane ES 100% Design Presentation 5.18.16 Mollie Ray ES 100% Design Presentation 5.23.16 Oak Hill ES 100% Design Presentation 6.08.16 Capital Budget Work Session 05.19.2016 Site 205-K8-SW-6 30% Design Presentation 6.07.16 Solar Energy Presentation 5.12.16 Ivey Lane ES 100% Design and Construction Presentation 5.18.16 Site 84-E-W-4 (Metrowest ES Relief) 100% Design and Construction Presentation 5.23.16 Mollie Ray ES 100% Design and Construction Presentation 5.23.16 Site 44-E-SE-2 100% Design Presentation 5.18.16 Engelwood ES 100% Design Presentation 05.16.16 Meadow Woods ES 100% Design and Construction Presentation 5.09.16 Facilities Settlement Agreement Update 5.10.16 Annual Facilities School Board Update 04.19.16 Rock Lake ES 60% Design Presentation 4.18.16 Ventura Elementary 40% Construction Presentation 04.06.16 Mollie Ray ES 30% Design Presentation 4.06.16 Site 84-E-W-4 60% Design Presentation 3.30.16 Existing and Proposed Locations w SBD 1516 Site 117-E-SW-4 40% Construction Presentation 3.07.16 Oak Hill ES 30% Design Presentation 3.07.16 Meadow Woods Replacement ES 30% Design Presentation 3.09.16
Oak Hill ES 30% Design Presentation 3.7.16 Rock Lake ES 30% Design Presentation 02.29.16

Engelwood ES 30% Design presentation 2.24.16
Site 2-K-8-E-1 40% Construction Presentation 2.10.16 Lockhart ES 40% Construction Presentation 02.01.16 Dream Lake ES 40% Construction Presentation 02.01.16 Site 133-K-8-N-6 Project update Presentation 2.01.16 Site 133-K8-N-6 Project Update 2.01.16 Site 133-K8-N-6 Project Update Presentation 2.01.16 Jones HS Athletic Facility Renovation Presentation 01.27.2016 Sales Tax Schools Project List 1.25.16 27-H-W-4 100% Design Presentation 1.13.16 2015Site 52-M-SE-2 100% Design Presentation 12.16.15

Site 133-K8-N-6 (Audubon Park) 100% Design Presentation 12.14.15

Site 21-M-E-2 100% Design/Construction Kick-off Presentation 11.16.15

Site 131-PS8-SW-5 100% Design Presentation 11.18.15

Site 52-M-SE-2 30% Design Presentation 07.29.15

Sales Tax Resolution 2015

2014 Change Determination Presentation to Orange County 12.8.14 Avalon Park Area Relief Presentation 9.8.14 2013 West Orlando News Jobs Creation Story CFN 13 New Lancaster ES Opens Orlando Sentinel Lancaster ES Opens Orlando Times Jones spruce-up OBJ Jobs Creation Story Orlando Sentinel Jobs Creation Story Orlando Sentinel new schools story 2013 Sentinel Blog on Spruce-Up WDBO Jobs Creation Story Wheatley ES 100% Design Presentation 9.23.13
WMFE Jobs Creation Story